How Much Is A Full Dental Smile Makeover Cost?

A dental makeover, also called full-mouth restoration, rehabilitation, smile makeover, and reconstruction, is often used to restore or rebuild all teeth in your mouth completely – both in the upper and lower jaws. Complete smile makeover cost can vary widely depending on various factors, including the location, the case’s complexity, the specific treatments, and the dentist’s fees.

Dental treatments that should be expected during full dental makeover include the following:

  • Dental bonding: this dental treatment corrects a wide gap between the teeth, misshape or malformation, stains, chips, dental decay, discolored tooth, etc.
  • Dental crown: this is similar to dental bonding treatment. It corrects tooth stain and discoloration, dental decay, dental gaps, misshapenness or malformation, chips, cracks, damages, and worn out Onlays, inlays, or crowns. It also corrects malocclusion and replaces any missing tooth.
  • Veneer: this is a treatment for colored tooth, and restoration for gaps, stains, malformation, and chips.
  • Dental bridge: this dental treatment replaces one or more missing teeth in a row. It also reduces your risk of having shifted teeth.
  • Full or partial denture: this treatment is applicable in the case of a few or all missing teeth.
  • Dental Implant: this dental treatment focuses mainly on the replacement of one, multiple, or all missing teeth. It also reduces the risk of shifting and bone degeneration in the jaw.
  • Orthodontics: This is a treatment for correcting crooked teeth and malocclusion.

Table of Contents

For more information on smile makeover costs at URBN Dental, contact us today to speak to one of our experienced team members.

You would need a full dental makeover if you have:

  • Lost one or more of your teeth as a result of dental decay or trauma.
  • Fractured or injured teeth.
  • Teeth that are severely worn out due to tooth grinding or long-term acid erosion.
  • Adjustments to your bite (occlusion).

How Does the Dental Makeover Process Begin?

A Dental makeover includes any of the following:

  • Periodontal care and prophylactic teeth cleaning.
  • Lengthening the crown exposes a healthy tooth structure for possible dental bridges and crowns.
  • Orthognathic surgery for jaw repositioning.
  • Contouring of the gingival tissue to create a balanced smile.
  • Placing of the orthodontics (braces) so as to move your teeth into the optimal position.
  • Placement of the dental implant to replace or restore missing teeth or anchor bridge.
  • Bone grafting to improve the stability of your teeth or proposed dental implants.

If you think you need a dental makeover, don’t hesitate to contact a well-trained and experienced dentist near me for a comprehensive dental examination. At URBN Dental, our professional emergency dentists will examine your dental condition to determine the extent of your dental issue and the necessary dental makeover options that can help you correct this issue. Our dentist will examine the condition of your:

  • eeth: to determine the appropriate restorative procedures that may be required. Our dentist will examine if there is any dental decay, cavity, root canal, cracks, tooth wear, short/long teeth, or any movement in your tooth. Also the shape, size, color, and proportion of your teeth in your mouth, and how they appear in relation to your lips, gums, mouth, face, and side profile.
  • Gingival tissues: to determine if there is any trace of gingivitis or periodontal disease. Our dentist will look out for any bone density irregularity, gum disease, insufficient or excessive gum tissue, and deep pockets.
  • Temporomandibular joints, occlusion, and jaw muscles.


This examination requires taking X-rays photographs, models of your bite, and impressions of your upper and lower teeth.
Once all the necessary information has been gotten, the services of specialists such as an oral surgeon, an orthodontist, or a periodontist may be required in order to develop a complete treatment plan that suits your case.
After this, your dentist will develop a comprehensive, step-by-step dental makeover treatment plan to correct all of your dental problems and give you a complete mouth reconstruction. However, don’t forget to ask your dentist about the risks and benefits of each dental makeover procedure and treatment.

Full Mouth Reconstruction Pricing Breakdown

A full smile makeover cost may differ according to dentists, the location of dental offices, and the severity of dental conditions. For a more accurate price estimate for your dental makeover treatment, you must visit your dentist’s office near me for a consultation and dental examination.

  • Dental implant: this restorations treatment cost about $2,000 to $4,000, depending on the severity of your case (the number of teeth involved) and your geographic location.
  • Temporomandibular joints (TMJ) treatment cost about $2,000 to $3,000 or even more. The cost of TMJ depends on the extent of the required treatment.
  • Dental bridge: this is less expensive effective than dental implant options. Its cost varies greatly and may be reduced by an insurance plan.
  • Dental crown: The procedure of this smile makeover costs about $600 to $1,000 or more, depending on the type of material used for the dental crown restoration.
  • Both inlays and Onlays generally cost from about $650 to $1,200 per tooth, depending on the type of materials used.
  • Dental filling: dental filling typically costs about $150 to $200 per tooth filling.

Call us today to learn more about our smile makeover cost and get started on the journey towards a flawless, beautiful smile!
Talk to one of our highly skilled cosmetic dentists about your smile goals.

Depending on some dental offices, the approximate full smile makeover cost could be about $800 to $1,500 per tooth. This estimate does not include the cost of oral surgery, periodontal treatments, or crown lengthening if required. Hence, it shouldn’t be surprising to expect a full smile makeover costs about $30,000 to $45,000.

Dental insurance plans may cover full smile makeover costs. Though most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic dentistry procedures, most restorative dentistry treatments are covered by insurance plans. These insurance plans can significantly reduce out-of-pocket expenses for a full dental makeover.

Please note that patients who cannot maintain good and proper dental health, especially those who take heavy alcohol and illegal drugs, may not experience lasting results from their full dental makeover treatments. Heavy alcohol consumption or tobacco smoking can compromise your oral health and the effects of your d makeover treatment.

Book Your Full Dental Makeover Today

Smile makeover cost can vary depending on the treatment you opt for. However, Urbn Dental offers a cost-effective Smile Makeover in Houston with advanced technology and affordable treatments. We accept walk-ins as well as booked appointments. Call us today at 832-743-2989 for a veneer dental experience of a lifetime.

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