Dental Night Guard

What is a dental night guard used for? A dental night guard can prevent harmful teeth grinding and teeth clenching. Your Houston dentist can create a custom-fitting nightguard to protect your teeth from any Preemptive tooth pain! If you would like to learn more about teeth night guard, give us a call at (281) 638-9388 or book online today!

What Are Night Guards?

Dental night guards are plastic appliances intended to be worn during sleep and help prevent teeth from wearing down due to grinding. They are similar to mouth guards because they protect upper and lower teeth from trauma or nighttime grinding.

Why Are Night Guards Needed?

Dentists prescribe dental night guards to their patients for various reasons:

  • Bruxism –nightguards are recommended for individuals who grind their teeth during the day or at night. They are preventative in nature and protect the natural teeth and jaw joints from damage or trauma due to the habit of excessive tooth grinding or bruxism.
  • Teeth Clenching – another use of nightguards are for people who clench their teeth tightly, especially in stressful or frustrating situations. Clenching leads to direct pressure and stress on the teeth and jaw joints. A night guard is prescribed to patients with these habits to reduce the pressure and trauma to the teeth and jaw joints.
  • Loud Snoring and Sleep Apnea – Are you fed up with your partner’s snoring sounds during sleep? Nightguards can help with this problem! Nightguards adjust the position of the tongue and lower it in such a way that allows air to pass through freely. Thus, with the airway always open, snoring is reduced.

Table of Contents

Do you grind your teeth at night? Prevent tooth injury and get your custom-made night guard for teeth.

Why Should People Grind and Clench Their Teeth Anyway?

Teeth grinding and clenching is not always a result of extreme anger as one might assume. It happens most often during the sleep but can also take place during the day. It is most likely to occur in stressful situations but can also be caused by other factors such as habits, nasal obstruction, or it can also occur involuntarily during sleep.

Why Guards? Why Not Treat the Actual Cause?

That is a very logical question. The preferred treatment is to eliminate and address the cause or the foundation of the issue, but sometimes treating the underlying causes can either be too complex or can be too expensive. Many people believe that teeth wear is a natural part of aging but what they don’t realize is that teeth wear is due to chronic stress and trauma being placed on the teeth from clinching and/or grinding. If teeth are not properly aligned then they can be hitting incorrectly, which causes unnecessary stresses on the teeth and its underlying bone. This can lead to severe teeth wear which can cause teeth to crack, need root canals, or extractions from vertical root fractures. Though nightguards do not treat the underlying causes of the teeth grinding or clinching, it is a great interim preventative method to prevent further damage to the teeth.

What Damage Will Night Guards Prevent?

If you are a bruxir, that is, if you have the habit of clenching or grinding your teeth, you are likely to suffer from the following problems. Night guards will help avoid these issues:

  • Aches- If you are a bruxir, you are very likely to suffer from frequent aches in head, neck or the jaws. This occurs due to excessive tension in the jaw muscles while clenching or grinding teeth.
  • Smoothened Tooth surfaces– teeth grinding will gradually wear the biting surfaces of your teeth smooth, which obliterates the natural anatomy of your teeth. Chewing and mastication of food is less efficient when the natural pits and fissures of your teeth are worn down.
  • Changed Bite- Teeth wear due to grinding and clenching will also gradually reduce the crown height of your teeth, which then will result in a “collapsed bite.” A collapsed bite can change the shape of your face and adversely affect your smile. People with a collapsed bite experience more problems with their teeth such as sensitivity, cracking and periodontal issues.
  • Tooth Sensitivity– Worn out teeth may cause your teeth to become sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. This limits the variety of food you can consume and reduces your quality of life.
  • Damage to Veneers– Grinding and clenching can bring excessive stress on your veneers or any other prosthesis which can then break or damage them. Longevity therefore is significantly reduced.
  • Tooth damage– Excessive pressure and stress on your teeth due to involuntary grinding or clenching can cause them to crack, chip or even break all the way down to the roots. Cracked tooth syndrome is common for chronic grinders.

Nightguards can aid with dental and jaw pains, snoring, teeth clenching, and teeth grinding.

Types of Nightguards

You can get one of two types of night guards. You can purchase them from other another counter or have them custom-made using dental impressions or molds made in the dental office.

  • Over-the-Counter Night Guards- These are night guards readily available in most pharmacies or groceries. These are usually made to be a “fit-all” and, therefore, will rarely have a perfect, accurate fit for each person. These nightguards are soaked under warm water until they soften before the patient molds them to fit on their upper teeth. Although these are the least expensive, they are usually very thin and therefore not very strong or robust, therefore not recommended.
  • Custom-made Night Guards- Custom night guards are made specifically for your teeth because an impression or a mold of your upper and lower teeth is taken by your dentist, which is then sent to the dental laboratory to be fabricated.  These Custom night guards have the most accurate fit and therefore are the most comfortable to wear. They are also the thickest and most rigid because they are made of hard acrylic material from the laboratory. This rigid nature ensures durability, longevity, and the most effective protection against bruxism. 

    Please remember that using night guards is not a treatment for the underlying cause of bruxism. They will simply act to reduce the effect of bruxism on your teeth and your smile. The actual cause of bruxism must be investigated by your dentist by studying your medical and dental history. Therefore, if you or any of your loved ones have a habit of teeth grinding or clenching, you should not take this matter lightly and take them to the dentist immediately. After all, a healthy smile is a beautiful smile!

Will Night Guards Work Against Sporting Injuries?

Dental Night Guards are perfect for bruxism and teeth grinding, and they can help prevent mild external damage from sports and other events. However, night guards aren’t as powerful as mouth guards. If you engage in heavy sports and are concerned about dental damage from sporting injuries, you should consider getting a mouth guard instead.

Mouthguards are removable devices made of acrylic plastic that are fitted on the upper arch of your mouth to protect your teeth from damage from sporting events. Even though mouthguards are placed on the upper mouth, they are also designed to protect your lower teeth from damage. There are three different types of mouthguards — stock mouthguards, boil-and-bite mouthguards, and custom-made mouthguards. These mouthguards are made in different ways — some are designed just for your teeth, some are stock made, and you just have to wear them, and some need to be boiled and bitten into so they mold into your teeth shape.

Mouthguards are the ideal devices for those who engage in high-impact sports such as boxing, wrestling, football, baseball, cricket, skateboarding, etc. During these sports, the risk of injury is high. The mouth guard will protect your teeth from severe damage if you hit your mouth. However, it’s necessary to get a custom-fitted or boil-and-bite mouthguard from a reputable dental clinic so they can give you the perfect setting for your specific teeth. If you simply use a stock mouthguard, it may not protect every part of your teeth or be too loose or too tight, causing discomfort and inefficiency. The best part about mouthguards is that you can wear them over your braces. In fact, if you wear braces while playing sports, it’s even more important to use a mouth guard so the braces don’t hurt your gums or teeth upon impact.

So, dental night guards work moderately well against sporting injuries. However, if you engage in high-impact regular sports, you should instead use a mouthguard.

Book Your Appointment at URBN Dental for Night Guards

Visit us today at URBN Dental as a walk in patient or call us at 281-584-3123 for an appointment at a time of your choosing! Here is to permanent smiles and stronger teeth for all!

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