Not everyone is happy to wear dentures near me and numerous people would prefer a different way of having a lovely smile. Eating can be a problem and the dentures can feel as if they are too big for your mouth.
Are you searching for affordable dentures near me or the best dentist for dentures in Houston, TX? A dentist will ideally try to make dentures the right size and fit, but at times it may not be possible due to the nature of your jawbone? The dentures may feel too big and if there has been a bone loss from the jaw, dentures may not fit correctly and maybe be too loose. If you are experiencing this with your current prosthesis, it is now time to have a consultation for a possible implant-supported dentures near me.
An Implant Supported Dentures is when dental implant serve as the anchors within the jaw bone to help assist the denture to snap into place and fit accordingly. It is important that the bone quality is ideal for the implants to heal well and be strong enough to support the denture. If bone quality is not ideal or adequate, then an Oral Surgeon consultation may need to perform additional work to help in the process such as placing a bone graft. An implant supported dentures is a way to give you the freedom to do what you want to do along with the ability to remove the dentures and clean them after every meal. This form of denture will give you more than the traditional form and may be an ideal option for you.
It may be easy to decide that ordinary dentures will be good enough for you, but if you want something better, then implants may be a better option for you. Implant-supported dentures give you the confidence that the dentures near me snap into place and do not fall out. Another concern with ordinary dentures is that the constant movement and pressure it causes can lead to damage to the jawbone. Because of the bone loss they cause, it is common for dentures to be replaced every few years because they become loose over time. Implants, on the other hand, maintain the quality of bone and make sure you do not lose it.
With implant supported dentures, there is generally less pain and discomfort, and it would feel more like you still had your original teeth rather than a loose denture appliance. Eating also becomes much easier. A much stronger fit is noted and food can be chewed and broken down more efficiently. Like all new appliances in the mouth, there is an adjustment period where one will take a few weeks to get used to talking and eating with the prosthesis. But with enough time and practice, you will surely be confident with your new smile! Dental implants are the closest option to natural teeth we have and want to give you highly recommended dental options available.
When deciding to get rid of your ordinary dentures due to ill-fitting or loose-fitting dentures, then having a consultation for dental implants is recommended. This option of having another way of obtaining your new smile is another chance of getting what you want. If you want to be able to laugh and show your teeth without them falling out, you should look to using implant supported dentures. The implant-supported dentures will be secure and look natural.
If you have issues with not enough jaw bone to hold your ordinary dentures in place, it is unlikely that the dentures will stay in and once there is very little bone left, bone can not be regrown. The decision on implants need to be soon rather than later in order to maximize the amount of bone you have left. Implant-supported dentures will maintain the bone quality you have and be sure you do not lose anymore at the pace your traditional dentures do. If you have trouble eating or speaking setting a dental implant consultation for dentures may be a highly recommended option for you.
It normally takes a couple of appointments for the implant-supported dentures to be fitted and can be done even if the patient has not had teeth for a long period of time. It is unlikely that the treatment will be short, as it is estimated that it can take up to several months to heal in the bone depending on your bone quality. If bone quality is an issue then there may be a need for additional treatment including bone grafting, sinus lifts, or bone augmentation.
One of the first visits after the initial consultation is when the implants will be placed in the bone. In the second visit, generally after healing of the implant areas, the denture will be fabricated and attached to the implants. During this time, a possible temporary denture may be fabricated to aid in aesthetics. Once ample healing time has passed, the permanent dentures are ready for final fitting. Once final instructions are given you are soon ready to try out your new dental implant-supported dentures smile.
The main reason that implant-supported dentures are needed is because some people struggle to deal with the dentures that are loose or hurt the gum and bone areas. Some patients will place a lot of adhesive that is meant to keep them in place for the entire day leading to uncomfortable situations. Luckily, implant-supported dentures have provided patients who have had frustrating experiences with their existing dentures to have another, better option!
As dentures can fall out and be damaged, it is important to keep them as secure as possible. Stability and maintenance of dental restorations is high priority because here at URBN Dental, we want highly recommended for you for the long run. By keeping up with your regular 6 month dental check-ups and routine cleanings, we will be sure you are on the right track. Home care and strong oral hygiene is still recommended even without teeth to be sure your oral health is highly recommended it can be.
There are several measures you need to take to maintain and care for your implants supported dentures to ensure their longevity:
As with all things, implant-supported dentures also carry certain risks of complications. The following are some of the prime risks that you need to be wary of:
As dentures can fall out and be damaged, it is important to keep them as secure as possible. Stability and maintenance of dental restorations is high priority because here at URBN Dental, we want highly recommended for you for the long run. By keeping up with your regular 6 month dental check-ups and routine cleanings, we will be sure you are on the right track. Home care and strong oral hygiene is still recommended even without teeth to be sure your oral health is highly recommended it can be.
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