How To Improve Oral Health

Taking care of your teeth, mouth, and orofacial structures is crucial for good oral health in Houston. Although your cosmetic dentist can use dental implants and porcelain veneers to address tooth loss, effective oral hygiene habits recommended by your Houston dentist can help you to prevent oral health issues, as well as save you money and time, protect your heart health, reduce your cancer risk, and decrease the risk of other serious diseases.


What Is Oral Health?

Good oral health is often thought of as having healthy teeth, but it’s a little more complex. In addition to your teeth, oral health encompasses the health of your gums, lips, jaw, and hard and soft palate. The health of all your orofacial structures plays a role in your oral health.

If you have oral health issues, you may need cosmetic dentistry in Houston to address missing teeth or a weak jawbone. Gaps from missing teeth can cause your jawbone to lose strength. Weak jawbones can cause severe oral health issues because your teeth may shift position, leading to gaps or crooked teeth, compromising your ability to chew food, enunciate words, and prevent plaque buildup. 

You can maintain or restore your oral health with expert dental care from your Houston dental service provider. 

Why Is Oral Health Important?

Good oral health offers health benefits beyond your mouth and orofacial structures. Benefits include the following:

  • Eliminating bad breath: Schedule a teeth cleaning with your dental hygienist in Houston to maintain oral health and prevent issues, such as bad breath. 
  • Improved fertility: Periodontal disease is linked to fertility issues. Improving oral health could improve your ability to conceive, and maintaining good oral health can prevent pregnancy-related health issues. 
  • Preventing dementia: Oral health issues have been linked to cognitive decline and dementia. 
  • Preventing heart disease: Missing teeth and other oral health issues, like gum disease, increase your risk of a heart attack.
  • Preventing inflammation: Maintaining the health of your gums reduces the risk of inflammation. 
  • Preventing respiratory infections: Infected gums can transfer bacteria to your lungs, causing pneumonia and other respiratory issues. 
  • Reducing the risk of stroke: You have a greater chance of suffering a stroke if you have poor oral health.
  • Reducing your risk of cancer: Oral health issues, including periodontitis and inflammation, have been linked to elevated risks of developing pancreatic cancer.  

Maintaining oral health can also reduce the risks of several other health issues, including arthritis, erectile dysfunction, endocarditis, and osteoporosis.

A woman smiling while in a dentist's chair with the dentist behind her getting ready to perform an exam.


How Do I Improve My Dental Health?
Wondering how to maintain or improve your oral health? Dentists recommend the following oral hygiene habits:

  • Brush your teeth: Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft bristle toothbrush, and use fluoride toothpaste to strengthen your tooth enamel. 
  • Dental check-ups: Plan to see your dentist once every six months for a check-up. During dental exams, your dentist can detect early signs of cavities and other issues, such as gum disease, and recommend treatments to prevent these issues or keep oral health problems from worsening.
  • Floss: Flossing involves using floss, dental picks, or water flossers to remove food particles caught between your teeth, helping to prevent plaque and tartar buildup, bad breath, cavities, and periodontal disease.
  • Healthy habits: Develop healthy habits, such as drinking fluoridated water and consuming foods that promote good oral health, such as milk, yogurt, nuts, fatty fish, kale, apples, and other fruits and vegetables. Avoiding bad habits that jeopardize the health of your teeth and gums, such as smoking, is another way to protect your oral health. 
  • Invest in dental cleanings: Schedule a dental cleaning by searching “dental hygienist near me” and finding one nearest your location. Dental hygienists inspect your mouth and help to prevent dental issues by removing tartar, plaque, and bacteria. 
How Can I Know If I Have A Dental Emergency?
Dental emergencies are unexpected dental issues arising from health problems or injuries. Some signs you’re having a dental emergency include the following:

  • A loose tooth
  • A numb tooth
  • A lost tooth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Dental abscess
  • Fatigue
  • A metallic taste in your mouth
  • Severe headaches
  • Swollen jaw

You can call your dentist’s office to discuss your symptoms if you have a dental emergency. 

Contact Urbn Dental To Schedule A Dental Exam Today.

How To Improve Oral Health ultima modifica: 2024-08-24T11:19:04-06:00 da Houston Dentist