Root Canal Procedure Step by Step

Want to know root canal treatment steps? Root canal treatment is often viewed as an extremely dangerous or complicated procedure. However, a root canal at a good Houston uptown dentist clinic is completely safe and simple. Contrary to popular belief, root canal treatment isn’t about tooth extraction but rather about preventing tooth extraction. It is essentially your last chance to save an abscessed or affected tooth from complete decay. In this article, we discuss what is root canal treatment, are root canals a dental emergency at a Houston uptown dentist clinic, and what does the procedure includes.

In order to understand the need for root canal treatment steps, you need to first understand the basic anatomy of a root canal. The external part of the tooth is made of enamel, which is followed by the dentin, which is followed by the pulp and live nerves. The pulp, which is a soft tissue containing the blood vessels, is located inside the root canal. The root canal also contains the temperature-regulating nerves. This is the most essential part of your tooth. If you have a bacterial infection that spreads to the pulp chamber or root canal, then you end up with an abscessed tooth with pus pockets. This is extremely dangerous and can also lead to complete tooth decay, bone loss, and gum infection.

As such, if you suffer from a bacterial infection in your root canal, the Houston uptown emergency dentists have no option but to perform a root canal procedure to prevent the infection from spreading. During the procedure, the dentist has to remove the infected pulp from within the tooth and clean out the root canal. The dentist will also have to remove the nerves from the pulp, which is safe because these nerves are only responsible for temperature sensations. This will prevent bacteria from spreading.

How to Know if I Need Root Canal Treatment Steps?

The dentist’s office only recommends root canal treatment near me if it’s the last chance to save your tooth. In most cases, you will need a dental filling to prevent the bacteria from spreading to the root canal. However, if the infection has spread into the pulp chamber, performing a root canal is impossible. The following are some signs you can watch out for that indicate you need a root canal treatment:

  • Your tooth may ache every time you bite or chew.
  • There may be pimples or pus around your gums.
  • Your teeth may appear chipped or cracked.
  • Your tooth may feel extremely sensitive to temperatures like hot and cold.
  • You may suffer from sensitive and bleeding gums.
  • Deep cavities may be seen in your teeth.

How Does Emergency Dentistry Work? Root Canal Procedure

Root canal procedure is a serious dental emergency and you should visit an emergency dentist near me in uptown Houston the moment you notice any of the aforementioned signs and symptoms. The following are some of the root canal treatment steps involved in the root canal treatment steps:

  • Your endodontist will take x-rays of your teeth to determine how far the infection has spread.
  • The entire procedure will be painful because the dentist will inject anesthesia around the affected tooth. This isn’t completely necessary because the nerves will be dead so you won’t feel pain anyway. But it’s done as a precaution.
  • The dentist will place a rubber dam on your teeth to prevent saliva from interfering with the procedure.
  • The dentist will drill into your tooth and remove all of the infected nerves and pulp. The dentist will then clean out the hole and use sodium hypochlorite to treat the debris.
  • With the help of some medicine, the dentist will treat the infection before sealing the cavity. The dentist will first apply a temporary filling so the medicine can disinfect the tooth.
  • The permanent sealing will be done with a sealer paste.
  • The dentist will use porcelain, cosmetic resin, silver, or other materials for the dental filling outside the tooth. In some cases, the dentist may recommend a porcelain crown to protect the weakened tooth from further damage.

How Successful are Root Canals Treatment Steps?

Root canals treatment is generally extremely successful and a treated tooth may also last a lifetime if you take proper care of it. You should know that teeth that have gone through root canals are weaker so you shouldn’t grind or clench your teeth much. You should also avoid biting hard surfaces like ice. The dentist may recommend a dental crown to strengthen the tooth further.

How Long Can a Tooth Abscess Wait for Treatment?

If you have an abscessed tooth, you should seek root canal treatment immediately without waiting. If you wait, then your abscessed tooth will start stinking and rotting. The pus will grow inside the tooth and start eroding the bone and enter the bloodstream, which will also affect your heart and the rest of your body. The longer you postpone treatment, the more damage it will cause not just to your teeth but to your entire body. At one point, your tooth will rot completely and be beyond saving. That’s why you should treat abscessed teeth immediately.

Schedule a Houston Uptown Dentist Appointment

At URBN Dental, we have some of the world’s finest board-certified dentists and endodontists who specialize in root canal procedures. Smaller or inexperienced doctors may recommend a root canal procedure even if your tooth can be saved with a simple dental filling. Our dentists run tests to make sure that the root canal procedure is absolutely necessary. Furthermore, our Houston uptown dentist will make sure that the procedure is completely safe and painless. For more information, please schedule a Houston uptown dentist appointment today.


Root canal treatment is often viewed as an extremely dangerous or complicated procedure. However, the root canal at a good Houston uptown dentist clinic is completely safe and simple. During the procedure, the dentist near me has to remove the infected pulp from within the tooth and clean out the root canal. The dentist will also have to remove the nerves from the pulp, which is safe because these nerves are only responsible for temperature sensations. This will prevent bacteria from spreading. Root canal treatment is only recommended if it’s the last chance to save your tooth.

In most cases, you will need a dental filling to prevent the bacteria from spreading to the root canal. However, if the infection has spread into the pulp chamber, performing a root canal is impossible. Root canals treatment is generally extremely successful and a treated tooth may also last a lifetime if you take proper care of it. At URBN Dental, we have some of the world’s finest board-certified dentists and endodontists who specialize in root canal procedures. For more information, please schedule a Houston uptown dentist appointment today.

Everything you should know about a Root Canal Treatments ultima modifica: 2021-09-22T23:41:39-06:00 da Houston Dentist