Visit us today at URBN Dental as a walk in patient or call us at 832-743-2989 for an appointment at a time of your choosing! Here is to permanent smiles and stronger teeth for all!
A root canal procedure will be carried out when the dentist knows that they have to act quickly in order to save a tooth. Normally, the issue will be dental infection and tooth decay and unless you are quick to make an appointment this can become serious very quickly. The rotten pulp and decaying nerve will both have to be removed. If they are left as they are, there is every risk that you will end up with an abscess. It is important that all of the pulp is removed as this is where the worst of the dental infection could settle.
Once the root has been removed, there is no need to worry about the viability of the tooth. It will remain in place, although there will be less chance that it will be able to tell the difference between hot and cold. The tooth will still work perfectly well without the nerve, it just needs a build up and a dental crown to prevent fracture. If the tooth is removed instead of saving the tooth with the root canal therapy then there is the risk that there could be bone loss. Once there is bone loss there is low risk of getting it back and if a future dental implant in needed possible further surgery may be needed to augment the bone area.
A root canal procedure will be carried out when the dentist knows that they have to act quickly in order to save a tooth. Normally, the issue will be infection and tooth decay and unless you are quick to make an appointment this can become serious very quickly.
A root canal treatment is also known as endodontic treatment and will be needed once the pulp has become infected or there is a dental infection around the tooth in the form of a dental abscess. The dental infection usually starts with a large cavity, just that it will need to be removed. There are a number of risks surrounding leaving the pulp in place. Damage can be caused to both the teeth and gums when the infection is left to spread. In some ways the biggest risk will be to the gums as they are harder to deal with.
If worst comes to the worst with the tooth it can be replaced by a bridge, dental implant, or possibly a removable appliance. The spread of infection can be problematic in many ways. Not only is there discomfort when a large dental infection occurs, but soon an offensive odor can occur leading to severe bad breath due to the bacteria.
Having tooth sensitivity issues?
In reality anyone can be a sufferer of a large dental infection and is recommended for a root canal. The need for a dental root canal can be for a variety of reasons. One will be poor hygiene and lack of adequate teeth cleaning. Once this has become a habit it is easy for bacteria to take over the tooth and soon there will be an infection in the form of a cavity and can lead to dental pain.
There are also times when an infection takes hold and there is nothing that the patient can do about it. Normally, this will be because there has been damage inflicted on a tooth and this has led to bacteria gaining access. It could be because there has been trauma to the tooth by way of a blow, quite often a sporting injury. Even the slightest crack in a tooth can be the gateway that allows the bacteria in.
The dentist will need a dental x-ray for the tooth and will use this as a guide to carrying out the needed work. They will need to protect the tooth from saliva as the last thing they want to do is to let bacteria in while they are carrying out a procedure with a protective rubber dam shield to keep you comfortable and the tooth safe. A small opening will be made to of the tooth and the pulp will be taken out, leaving a clean void where the filling can be placed.
The dental root canal filling will be put into the hole – the majority of dentists will use gutta-percha for this part as it will be substantial enough to stand up to the day to day use it will get. As it will be missed with dental cement, it will not take long for the filling to harden and become as one with the tooth.
This will not be the end of the issue, however, as the tooth cannot be left as it is. There will need to be a permanent cover put on it and this will usually be a dental crown. There will have to be a gap left between procedures to allow the tooth to settle down but once that has been done, the tooth should be as strong as it was before treatment. It will be possible to eat in exactly the same way as you did before the treatment began.
As with many cases of infection with the tooth, there is likely to be an element of pain the longer the infection is there. It will take time to build up and this is part of the problem. As it takes so long for the infection to become an issue, it will have taken hold before you know about it.
One of the worst outcomes will be a dental abscess as this will require additional treatment. There will be a lot of pain and you will become aware of this when you are eating. Any pressure at all put on the tooth will be painful and it will get to the stage where you try to use other parts of the mouth when you need to bite or chew. There will be sensitivity when it comes to eating and drinking hot and cold items and if this happens for a day or two, it is clear that there must be treatment carried out.
The swelling will also be a give-away that there is something not right with the tooth. This tends to appear due to the pus that will gather around the tooth especially at the base of it where it meets with the gums. The gums will be affected and a lot of the infection will be in the gums; so, they can be permanently damaged as a result of the decay. As previously mentioned, bacteria can have an awful smell and you will want this to be stopped as soon as possible before larger problems can occur such as loss of ability to swallow, close one’s mouth, or eat properly.
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Visit us today at URBN Dental as a walk in patient or call us at 832-743-2989 for an appointment at a time of your choosing! Here is to permanent smiles and stronger teeth for all!
A root canal therapy is a procedure, which is needed when the damage of decay is beyond reversible. It becomes necessary when the decay has spread so much in the vital tooth that the dentists need to remove the nerves from it potentially. It starts with the dentist injecting local anesthesia and removing the structure of the tooth that is affected by cavities. Another alternative is to sedate the patient during this process. Then they use needles to extract the pulp from the tooth. It is no longer vital at this point.
After cleaning the target space, the dentist fills that area with a restoration. They typically use composite fillings, but the choice usually depends on the patient too. They leave in the temporary filling in for a few days after which another appointment is made to place a more permanent filling into the treated tooth.
Dentists these days practice sedated dentistry, but if there are chances of having a more complex root canal, then dentists make use of anesthetics. If the patient is conscious, then they feel the slight prodding against their gums and teeth. It is followed by further scrapping. They can even hear the sounds of the dental equipment removing the decayed structure.
They can feel the pressure and length of the needle when it is used to extract the pulp from the tooth as well. The procedure is repeated until the pulp is completely removed. The patients can also feel the water when the dentist has to wash through the treated tooth. The whole procedure is not painful if proper anesthesia is used.
In simple teeth filling, the infected tooth enamel is drilled out and removed before a restoration/filling is placed to repair the structure of a tooth. On the other hand, root canal therapy deals with the infected pulp. In this case, the decay grows in the pulp part of the tooth and results in severe toothache. This is a more complex procedure than a simple filling.
A normal tooth filling concentrates on the enamel and bone of the tooth whereas a dental file is used to reach and extract the decayed pulp under the enamel. The costs of both procedures differ as well. Root canal treatments can become painful. Unlike simple teeth fillings, they may need anesthesia to handle severe toothaches during the procedure.
During a root canal, a dentist may have two options that you will need to settle before the procedure. You will either be given anesthesia or sedated for the root canal. The area is prepared, and the dentist takes an X-ray of the infected tooth to see how deep the cavity is. After that, the tooth is scrapped, and the decayed part is removed. Dentist use needles of various lengths and thicknesses to extract the pulp that contains nerves.
If conscious then you can feel the needles scrap against the structure of the tooth. Then another X-ray is taken to see whether the pulp has been completely removed from the tooth. The dentist may need to extract if the tooth is still vital. Generally, the patients do not feel any pain during the procedure.
After that, the dentists place the filling in the space. A temporary filling is placed for a few days before a more permanent filling in place in the treated tooth.
Root canals are not generally painful because dentists prefer to either make use of anesthetics or sedatives. The choice depends on the nature of the decay and the patient as well. However, most of the pain from the root canal is felt after the numbness wears off. This is why dentists prescribe pain medication to handle the discomfort afterward.
In case you feel excessive pain during the treatment, you should inform your dentist at once because this could mean that the anesthetics were not effective. A root canal can be an effective procedure to steer clear of complete tooth loss and save the actual structure of the effected tooth.
A root canal treatment is a procedure in which the dentist removes the pulp from a decayed tooth. The tooth is no longer vital at the end of the procedure. This treatment is needed when the damage caused by cavities is beyond repair, and the decay has spread deep into the tooth to cause pain and discomfort to the affected individual. A root canal is generally a painless procedure, but many people feel some pain and discomfort after the procedure is done. This usually happens when the painkillers wear off.
The pulp inside the tooth is effectively removed to stop the spread of decay and the pain caused by it. After that, the dentist places a restorative material in the tooth to repair the structure of the tooth for the patient.
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