Decay or cavity is a common dental problem that affects the tooth hard tissues (cementum, enamel, and dentin). Tooth cavity or decay is a bacterial infection that causes hard tissue destruction, and eventually the loss of the tooth. In fact, is the most common cause of tooth loss!
Decay or cavity is a common dental problem that affects the tooth hard tissues (cementum, enamel, and dentin). Tooth decay is a bacterial infection that causes hard tissue destruction, and eventually the loss of the tooth. In fact, is the most common cause of tooth loss.
What is a tooth cavity? This occurs when the tooth hard tissues are destroyed by mouth bacteria. Bacterial plaque feeds on sugary food and produces acids that attack the outer surface of the tooth. And over time the hard tissues may break down due to constant acid attacks.
Want to know more about Tooth Decay or Cavity Removal?
Once the tooth decays, you will need to remove the affected part to avoid further complications. In fact, it should be treated as soon as possible. If left untreated, the dental decay will progress to something worse. Expect the nerves killed and the pulp destroyed and dental pain to start. The tooth will become more sensitive to extreme temperatures. Eating and drinking will become a painful experience. It will be hard to enjoy a meal once the decay becomes complicated. Expect swelling of the gum once the tooth decay reaches pulp. Untreated tooth decay can cause tooth infection and pulp destruction, and you will end up losing the teeth. Actually, a root canal procedure or tooth extraction may be required once the tooth is severely damaged. Now you understand why you need to remove tooth decay.
We are living in world where sugary foods like cookies and chocolates are highly recommended snacks, making tooth decay a common dental issue among the children and adults. There are some people who are more susceptible to tooth decay removal, especially those who don’t take care of their oral healthy.
For instance, a person who does not brush and floss regularly is more susceptible to tooth decay removal. Brushing and flossing regularly helps to remove plague, and if not removed it can cause the tooth to decay. The plague has bacteria that feed on the food you eat, and acids are formed during the process. The acids are responsible for the destruction of the hard tissues that results to tooth decay as well as tooth cavity. As you brush, remember to use fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride gives the teeth the ability to resist the acid produced by the plague. In fact, using fluoride toothpaste is recommended as one of highly recommended ways to prevent tooth decay.
Fluoride can be added on water to protect the teeth against teeth erosion. Actually, most public water supplies add fluoride to protect the residents from numerous dental problems such as teeth discoloration, dental decay, and teeth cavities.
Usually the mouth bacteria feed on cards such as sugar. Eating food with high concentration of sugar and other carbs can cause the production of acids that leads to dental erosion. Thus, a person who likes and eats sugary food is more susceptible to tooth decay removal.
Another person who is more susceptible to decay removal, is one who likes drinking dark drinks such as coffee, red wine, and tea, and smoking tobacco. Dark drinks and tobacco has the potential to stain your teeth. Not only will your teeth be discolored, but also the smoking can lead to tooth decay, tooth loss and gum disease. Tobacco contains nicotine and tar which makes the teeth to turn yellow or brown. Smoking leads to production of bacterial plague that causes tooth decay and gum disease.
Want to remove a Tooth Decay?
You can always prevent tooth decay, but once the decay penetrates the hard tissues, a tooth cavity is formed, and the treatment procedure shifts to restoration. If the decay hasn’t affected the pulp, the tooth can be repaired by cleaning the affected part and filling the tiny holes or openings.
First, the dentist will numb the affected area, and using a dental laser system, air-abrasive device or high-speed rotary drill, he will drill and remove the affected hard tissues. The dentist can also use a manual scooping tool or a slower drill to scoop the affected dentin. Once the drilling and scooping is complete, the dentist will shape the hole to enable proper fixing of the filling materials.
When the decay has affected just a small part of the enamel, it becomes very easy to repair. You can use toothpaste or mouth-rinses recommended by your dentist to repair such a tiny spot. In addition, your dentist can use a filling material that contains calcium, phosphate, and fluoride to repair such a small spot. Once the decay reaches the dentin, the repair becomes a bit complex and expensive. The dentist will require resin material or amalgam filling to fill the already drilled hole. The good thing is that one can use tooth-colored filling materials. However, if a large part of the hard tissues has decayed, the dentist may have to use a dental crown. Although dental crowns are a bit expensive than fillings, they do a great job in providing support, strength, and restoring the functions of the teeth.
Tooth decay causes tiny openings on the hard tissues. Several factors contributes to the development of holes in the hard surface of your tooth; they include taking of sugary drinks, eating snacks frequently, mouth bacteria, improper brushing and flossing among others. There several symptoms and signs of tooth decay and varies from one person to another. One of the most common symptoms when it comes to tooth decay is toothache. Other symptoms of someone in need of tooth decay removal include:
Even though tooth decay comes with a number of signs and symptoms, sometimes you may not get any symptom, especially when a tooth cavity is forming. Also the above symptoms does not always signifies tooth decay. Thus, you should visit your Emergency dentist regularly for dental check-ups, even when you feel your dental oral health is great.
Visit us today at URBN Dental as a walk in patient or call us at 281-584-3123 for an appointment at a time of your choosing! Here is to permanent smiles and stronger teeth for all!
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