In This Article
Teeth bleaching near me is an effective whitening process for your teeth so that they will be more attractive. You can consider whitening your teeth if you are not satisfied with their shade or if they have become discolored. Our lifestyle, especially the foods and drinks we take like red wine, coffee, tea, etc., contributes largely to teeth discoloration. Smoking is also a major cause of tooth staining and some antibiotics can stain your teeth.
Teeth Bleaching Procedure
Professional teeth bleaching near me is the most popular whitening method and it is very important for you to see a competent dentist near me so that your eligibility for the whitening procedure can be ascertained. Your teeth bleaching dentist will place a rubber shield on your gums in order to protect them from the adverse effect of the bleaching gel. Thereafter, the whitening gel will be applied to your teeth with the aid of a special tray that looks like a mouthguard that is appropriate for your mouth. Hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is the active ingredient in whitening products and when it gets broken down, oxygen reaches the tooth enamel thereby lightening the teeth’s color.
How Long Does The Treatment Take?
Usually, teeth bleaching near me treatment should not take more than four weeks in order to achieve highly recommended results. You may require about two to three visits to the dentist office near me because of the steps involved in the process. Your first visit will be used to assess your mouth and if you are eligible for the procedure, your impression will be taken so that an ideal mouthguard will be made for you.
Your next visit will be for the commencement of the teeth whitening treatment and you will need to continue the process at home. In addition, you will need to regularly apply the bleaching product for about four weeks with each application lasting for about 30 minutes to one hour. However, there are some whitening products that your emergency dentist can apply for eight hours at a go and this will ensure that you get the maximum result within one week.
What Other Procedures Are There?
There is laser whitening which involves the use of laser technology to help in enhancing the whitening process. Your gums will be protected by a rubber dam before the bleaching product is applied. A laser is then introduced to the product in order to further activate it. The essence of the laser is to speed up the whitening process so that the color change can take effect quickly.
How Long Does Chair-side Power Whitening Take?
Your teeth will be assessed in order to be sure that you are fit for the treatment. As soon as this is confirmed, the treatment only lasts for about an hour.
How Much Does Tooth Bleaching Cost?
The cost of teeth bleaching services varies from one place to another. Do-it-yourself whitening is the cheapest but the result may not be highly satisfactory. Office teeth whitening is more expensive but the result will be more pleasing. If a laser is used in-office whitening, you should expect that there will an additional cost to your bill.
How Long Will My Teeth Stay Whiter?
The result of teeth bleaching service usually lasts for about 3 years but this varies from one individual to another. If you are a smoker or you regularly take foods and drinks that stain your teeth, you may not experience a long-lasting result like others. As a result of this, it is very essential to follow your dentist’s instructions on ways to realize an enduring result.
What Are The Side Effects?
Tooth sensitivity is one of the major side effects of the whitening procedure. Others include gum discomfort, sore throat, just to mention a few. In most cases, these side effects are temporary and within some days after the treatment, they will not be experienced again. However, if they persist more than necessary, you should not hesitate to inform your dentist.
What About Home Whitening Kits?
A lot of home whitening kits are available and they are very effective based on the concentration of their active ingredients. Some of them include whitening toothpaste as well as strips. And they can be purchased at both online along with offline stores. They are cheaper in contrast to office whitening. But tend to be more acidic which may not meet the ideal safety standard. Consequently, it is advisable to consult your dentist before starting a home whitening process in order to reduce the risk of complications.
How Safe Are Beauty Kiosks and Beauticians?
In many countries, teeth bleaching treatment services can only be legally performed by a dentist. If you go to beauty kiosks or beauticians for the procedure. You are not only getting involved in illegality. You are also exposing your mouth to dangers. It is very important for the person performing the process to be properly trained. So that you will not be exposed to unnecessary risks.
What About Whitening Toothpastes?
A lot of whitening toothpaste are available at the market. But the majority of them may not have the ability to have any effect on your natural teeth. However, they can be used for getting rid of mild stains. And for maintaining the result of office whitening so that it can last longer.
Can I Whiten A Single Tooth That Has Been Root Filled or a Dead Tooth?
Yes, you can be depending on how severe the case is. Dead teeth can be discolored and it is possible to whiten them. However, it is advisable to get it done in the dental office for maximum safety of the procedure.
When Tooth Whitening May Work?
Tooth whitening can only be effective on natural teeth and not on artificial ones like Dental veneers, crowns, and dentures. The color of your existing tooth can be whitened and this should be put at the back of your mind. Your dentures should be taken to the dental office for proper cleaning if they are stained.
What Kind of Instructions Should I Expect After My Teeth Have Been Whitened?
After your teeth bleaching treatment, you should try as much as possible to avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth. You should maintain good oral health so as to achieve an enduring result.