What is a Root Canal Dental Procedure? Surgery Process & Cost

Complete Root Canal Surgery Process And Cost

Most people have terrible misconceptions about root canals. Some people think a root canal procedure is the same as a tooth extraction. Others think it’s a serious surgical procedure with considerable downtime. But that’s inaccurate; even though a root canal is a surgical procedure, it’s fairly simple, painless, and doesn’t include any downtime. Root canals are extremely common procedures that prevent complete dental decay, making them essential procedures that prevent tooth loss. Are you wondering, “what is a root canal dental procedure?” Our root canal dentist explains the complete root canal surgery process and cost in this article.

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Step-by-Step Root Canal Procedure

  • Consultation: The root canal dentist takes an x-ray of your teeth and root canals to identify possible dental problems, identifying signs of dental infections and inflammations around the root canal.
  • Preparation: The root canal dentist administers local anesthesia to the gums around the affected tooth to numb sensation, so you don’t feel pain. If necessary, the dentist may also provide oral sedation, IV sedation, or nitrous oxide — you can discuss those options if you’re anxious. The root canal dentist also places a dental dam to isolate the affected tooth, preventing saliva from interfering with the procedure.
  • Session 1: During the first root canal session, the dentist drills an access hole through the affected tooth’s crown. The dentist removes all the pulp, bacteria, news, and clean the root canal using root canal files. Once the root canal is thoroughly cleaned, the dentist flushes away the debris with some water or sodium hypochlorite. After cleaning the root canal, the dentist applies for a disinfectant medicine and then places a temporary filling.
  • Session 2: The second session will be scheduled after a week, enough time for the medication to work, treating the infection. The dentist will examine the tooth, and then apply a sealer paste and gutta-percha to seal the access hole. Once the access hole is closed, the dentist may take measurements and impressions to prepare a dental crown for the treated tooth.
  • Dental Crown: The final step in the root canal process is dental restoration. You don’t have to get a dental crown, but it’s highly recommended that you do because the treated tooth is weakened without the pulp tissues and nerves. The dental crown protects the weakened tooth from further dental damage and cracks. After preparing the dental crown, the dentist will shave some of the dental structures and attach the dental crown over the prepared tooth. If you get porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal crown, the result will look completely natural, resembling the surrounding teeth.

Root Canal Cost

The cost of the root canal procedure varies, depending on several factors. Furthermore, the cost of the procedure includes the root canal and the dental crown, so it’s hard to give an exact figure.

In Texas, the average cost of root canal treatment is $1,000. You can also get dental insurance for a root canal, partly because it’s considered a medically necessary procedure.

The following are the average costs of dental crowns:

  • Composite Resin Crown: $328 per crown
  • Porcelain-fused-to-Metal Crown: $821 per crown
  • Full-Cast Metal Crown: $776 per crown

Discuss the exact root canal cost with your root canal dentist near me. You should ideally find an in-network root canal dentist because that will minimize the cost of treatment.

Having tooth sensitivity issues?

How does the pulp become damaged?

Your tooth’s pulp may get inflamed or infected because of bacterial decay or infection. Generally, most bacterial infections start from the tooth’s enamel. You may have a cavity on your tooth because of bacterial decay. However, if you don’t treat the cavity promptly, the bacterial infection may continue spreading deeper into the tooth’s structure, eventually affecting the pulp chamber, leading to infected pulp.

What are the symptoms of damaged pulp?

  • Excessive or persistent toothaches, generally in the form of a throbbing sensation.
  • The tooth hurts while chewing or biting.
  • Excessive sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures in your teeth.
  • Jaw pains.
  • Swelling of the jaws or face.
  • Fever.
  • Dental abscess.
  • Pus formation in the tooth’s root structure.
  • Bleeding, sensitive, or darkened gums.

Are root canals as painful as I think they are?

Root canals aren’t painful at all — if anything, they prevent the affected tooth from causing pain. Since the affected tooth’s nerves are probably dead, you don’t feel anything. However, the dentist also administers local anesthesia through an injection to further minimize sensation. You’ll feel a sting when the injection goes in, but you don’t feel any pain during the procedure. Furthermore, the dentist can also administer sedation to minimize your anxiety.

Are there any root canal dangers?

A root canal is a completely safe procedure. However, in some cases, the damage is so deep and severe that the root canal isn’t enough to protect your tooth. Furthermore, if the antibiotics aren’t strong enough, some of the remaining infections in your teeth may continue spreading. If that happens, you may need an emergency dental extraction for your tooth.

Schedule an appointment with a root canal dentist near me

URBN Dental is one of the most reputable dental clinics for root canals in Houston, TX. We carefully examine the root cause of your dental problems to determine if a root canal is absolutely necessary. If so, our root canal dentist curates the ideal treatment plan and dental crowns for your specific needs. For more information, please schedule an appointment with our emergency dentist near me today.

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