Tooth Extraction Trauma

If you are in need of an emergency tooth extraction near me, come in to URBN Dental. We are a same-day emergency dentist because we know a dental emergency can happen at any time. Don’t wait, relieve your pain now. Call us or book online.


What is a Traumatic Tooth Extraction?

Teeth are very important part of your mouth. You need them to speak, chew, smile, and other functions. Beautiful teeth are key to making an incredible first impression. A great oral hygiene routine and attending the follow-up visits to the dentist helps to maintain and improve your oral health, but sometimes dental issues may arise and it might be so severe that you will need to extract a tooth.

Tooth extraction can be traumatic to every part of your mouth from the gums to the surrounding tissues. In these accident or trauma situations, including sports events, one needs to be careful. Although some extraction procedures are very simple as they require wiggling the tooth and removing it from the socket using forceps, they can cause swelling of the gum and mirror irritations as well as pain and discomfort.

However, in the case of complicated extractions, you will have to go for the more intensive process that requires your gum tissues to be cut to ease the access of the entire tooth. Other extractions may require the removal of bone. During the tooth extraction process, accidental damages may occur. Lets us discuss why emergency tooth extractions near me, can be so traumatic to your gum and other parts of the mouth.​

Why Do You Need Tooth Extraction Near Me? Why Tooth Extraction can be Traumatic to your Gum and Surrounding Tissues?

When a tooth decays or breaks such that it can’t be restored by the use of dental fillings, crowns, and other orthodontic treatments one may have to extract it. There are several reasons that the tooth may be extracted such as severe damage, infection, and others

Some emergency tooth extraction cases may require the part of the bone tissues to be extracted. As a result, the surrounding tissues and teeth maybe traumatized. Each and every tooth requires a strong bone for support. Also, the bone should be large enough to provide the strength and support needed. Interfering with the bone tissues may cause the teeth to stay loosely rooted in the sockets. In other words, once part of the bone is removed, the support is comprised. In addition, removal of bone may lead to the roots of the surrounding teeth being exposed, which can lead to sensitivity to extreme temperatures.

Sometimes during a trauma process, accidental damages may occur; the gums and the surrounding teeth may be damaged. In fact, tooth extractions can traumatize other parts of your mouth, thus if your dentist thinks tooth extraction is the only solution, then it might be because the pros outweigh the cons.

Who is more susceptible to Tooth Extraction Trauma?

Tooth extraction is always the last solution. If your tooth has decayed or fractured you dentist may attempt to fix it using crowns or fillings, but sometimes the restoration methods may not work, and the only solution left is extracting the tooth.

Most cases of tooth decay and fractures can be avoided. Taking good care of your teeth in the following ways is a great place to start. Floss and brush your teeth regularly, visit your dentist regularly for checks, avoid using your teeth as bottle opener, pliers or scissors, avoiding biting/chewing non-food objects, wear mouth-guards when playing contact sports or when sleeping if you have a habit of grinding your teeth. Otherwise if your don’t make these practices a habit you might end up being more susceptible to tooth extraction trauma as your teeth get extracted due to untreatable decay or unfixable fracture.

When extensive tooth decay damages every part of the tooth including the pulp, the dentist may recommend having an emergency tooth extraction. Sometimes a broken tooth can’t be fixed with fillings or crowns, especially when the tooth has broken off at the gum line, and the dentist near me will have to extracted it.

Tooth Extraction Trauma

Tooth Extraction Procedure – Can the Procedure Go Wrong?

Apart from decay and fractures, a tooth can also be removed to create room for new tooth (removal of baby teeth). However, In this case, the process can be quite simple and trauma cases are very rare. When a tooth is severely damaged, most dentists will try to fix it through the root canal, but what happens if the tooth can not be saved? The dentist will have to extract it. There are two types of procedures for tooth extraction near me; simple tooth extraction procedure and surgical extraction procedure.

A simple procedure involves the removal of the tooth without the use of surgical tools. The procedure is quite simple, especially in the case of losing baby teeth. A tooth that is above the gum line can easily be removed using forceps instruments and a traditional elevator. Generally, the tooth structure (hard tissues) should be above the gum line making it very easy to grasp. In addition, the root should be in good condition and straight. In such a case, this simple procedure is recommendable. This procedure is also recommendable if the teeth are overcrowded. It can be a great way to straighten the teeth. However, if the tooth is severely damaged, and lies beneath the gum line it will be very difficult to extract it through the simple procedure.


When is the surgical procedure necessary? If the tooth is broken beneath the gum line or severely damaged, then the dentist might recommend surgical extraction. Even if the tooth is above the gum line, some surgical procedures might be required to extract it. Nevertheless, surgical procedure is recommendable if the tooth is severely damaged, infected or hard to restore. The procedures involve anesthetic, incision and flap elevation, releasing periodontal ligament fibers, placing a safety net, sectioning the tooth, and loosening and elevating the tooth.

Normally after tooth extraction, you may experience tenderness for few days, slight bleeding, mild swelling, wound healing in a week or two, and finally tissues and bone filling in the next few months. However, sometimes tooth extraction procedures might go wrong and the surrounding teeth and gum may end up affected.

Emergency Tooth extraction near me often leads to a fractured jaw, nerve injuries, numbness of the gum, infections, and severe pain. These are normal risks when having a tooth extracted or in cases of possible trauma or sports accidents.

What are the Symptoms of Tooth Extraction Trauma?

During a case of possible trauma or a sport accident or even possible surgical extractions some of these events can occur:

  • Numbness of the gum, lip, face, tongue or chin
  • Discomfort
  • Sharp pain in the jaw or face
  • Headaches
  • Earache
  • Difficulty eating, smiling or talking
  • Drooling
  • Fever

Tooth Extraction Trauma


Having your wisdom tooth extracted is not painful at all. Many people remain confused about the fact as to whether their wisdom tooth even needs an extraction or not. This can be easily sorted out by a visit to the dentist. Wisdom teeth generally do not create a problem and come out easily. However, if their placement is a little tilted, they will be causing a lot of pain by exerting pressure on other teeth while trying to come out.

In such a scenario, dentists recommend having it extracted. With modern methods of tooth extraction, it is painless to have such procedures. Even a few years ago, the only pain a patient would feel was the pinch of the syringe carrying the anesthetic. Even this has been lessened now with the introduction of numbing gels, which is applied before the anesthetic injection. This numbs the area enough for the patient not even to feel the pinch of the syringe mentioned earlier. Once this is done, you can only sit back and let the dentist do their work, which should be over in 30 or so minutes. It is always a wise choice to get your wisdom tooth extracted painlessly, rather than wait up and let it hurt your whole jaw when it tries to come out itself.

It is a fairly easy assessment when it comes to choosing your dentist. The first step you need to do is look out for the dentists near you. This is pretty easy to do as smartphones and internet access has made it virtually not even a task anymore. You can search through the web while sitting on your couch, and know how far each dental center is from your location. This has been made easier by the fact that a huge majority of dental centers in the United States, as well as the world, now maintain their online presence to let patients know of their services.

Next comes knowing the dentist’s certifications. If that clears your bill, see what treatment procedures they are offering. This is particularly important for people looking for cosmetic dental procedures, as certain dental centers are selective in the treatments they offer. If you live in or around Houston, you need to look no further than URBN Dental. Not only do we offer all the dental procedures there are, but we also offer them at a very affordable price, with caring dentists and staff ready to help you out at a moment’s notice.

Book Your Appointment at URBN Dental!

Visit us today at URBN Dental as a walk in patient or call us at 281-584-3123 for an appointment at a time of your choosing! Here is to permanent smiles and stronger teeth for all!

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