Alternative To A Root Canal Treatment
Expert dental care can prevent severe oral health issues from arising. When oral health issues are present, receiving swift treatment can stop the problem in its tracks, preventing further complications.
Left untreated, oral health issues can spread to your gums and pulp. A root canal may be the only way to save your tooth if you have infected pulp.
What Is A Root Canal?
A root canal is a common procedure used by dentists to treat infected pulp and prevent tooth loss.
What Causes Inflammation or Infections in Your Dental Pulp?
Your dental pulp may become inflamed or infected because of any of the following issues:
- Cavities
- Cracked tooth
- Periodontitis
- Prior dental work
Signs You May Need Root Canal?
Common symptoms that could indicate you have pulpitis include the following:
- Bad breath
- Fever
- Intense pain
- Pain that moves
- Sensitivity to cold foods
- Sensitivity to sweet beverages and foods
- Spontaneous pain
Other signs that indicate you may need root canal treatment include the following:
- Abscess
- Darkened gums
- Headaches
- Jaw pain
- Pain when chewing
- Prolonged sensitivity
- Swollen gums
- Tooth decay
What Are The Stages Of Root Canal Treatment?
You can expect to see your dentist two or three times before they perform your root canal treatment. Your dentist will use these consultations to assess your condition and ensure they have a comprehensive treatment plan that will address your needs.
Your dentist will take the following steps during the root canal treatment:
- Administer anesthesia
- Drill through the tooth to the pulp
- Decayed pulp and bacteria are removed
- Clean the tooth’s pathways
- Medications administered
- The void in the tooth is filled
In some cases, patients need crowns applied after the root canal.
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Does URBN Offer Root Canals?
URBN Dental offers Houston root canal treatment for patients dealing with infected tooth pulp who want to save their teeth. We have offices in Uptown, Midtown, Montrose, and other locations throughout Houston and Katy where you can get the expert dental care you need.
Why Would Someone Want An Alternative To Root Canals?
Although most people who opt for a root canal can save their tooth, some still want alternative treatment options. Many people struggle with dentophobia, and some are afraid of undergoing dental procedures such as root canals. These patients may want alternatives to root canals.
What Are the Root Canals Alternatives?
Root canal alternatives include the following:
- Tooth extraction
- Treat pulp with calcium hydroxide
Calcium hydroxide discourages the growth of bacteria. As an alkaline substance, calcium hydroxide also dissolves dead tissues. Dentists have medications that they use to help fight deep cavities and dental sensitivity. Healing time is necessary after the placement of the medication in order for the tooth to naturally heal and let the medicine take its course.
How Do You Prevent A Root Canal?
You can prevent root canals with excellent oral hygiene practices, including the following:
- Brushing your teeth twice daily
- Flossing your teeth once daily
- Attending dental checkups every six months
You can also protect your oral health by consuming a healthy diet using the following guidelines:
- Eliminate sugary food intake
- Drink milk from pasture-raised animals/certified raw milk
- Eat high-quality protein such as raw fish
- Eat raw butter
Avoid carbs, especially grains and flour products
What Insurance Does URBN Dentist Accept?
You can use most PPO dental insurance plans to cover treatments at URBN Dental. Those without insurance can use our payment plan options, which are designed to make quality dental care accessible for everyone.
Contact Urbn Dental For All Your Dental Care Needs
URBN Dental delivers outstanding patient care. It doesn’t matter if you’re coming in for a routine checkup, searching for dental implants near you, or consulting a dentist in Houston about dental bridges; when you come to URBN Dental, our dedicated team of dental professionals will use our state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to identify any oral health issues present, explain the treatment options available, answer your questions, and deliver expert dental care.
Alternatives to Root Canal Treatment FAQs
Teeth are essential for your health. You use your teeth daily in ways you might not even realize. Your tongue and teeth work together to help you form sounds and communicate. Your teeth also cut and grind food, enabling you to eat and get the nutrients you need for optimal health.
When the pulp in your tooth is infected, it can cause severe oral health issues if left untreated. You could lose the tooth, and the infection can spread to your gums, jawbone, and neighboring teeth.
The root canal stops the infection and prevents it from spreading. Only approximately 5% of root canal procedures performed by an experienced endodontist fail to save the tooth. Dentists recommend root canals because of the high probability of successfully saving a tooth and preventing further serious dental problems.
Fistulas are unnatural channels that work like drains. Pus and other fluids follow the fistula away from dental abscesses and infection sites in your tooth and its roots. Left untreated, the fistula can cause severe complications, including the following:
- Tooth loss
- Widespread infection
- Damaged bones in your jaw
- Damaged bones in your face
- Sepsis
Since a fistula will not heal on its own, your dentist may recommend a root canal to stop the infection. The root canal can prevent tooth loss and other health issues if successful.
There is a high success rate for root canal treatments, with 95% of root canals performed by an experienced endodontist effectively saving the tooth. With expert, prompt treatment, many patients are able to prevent the need for further treatment and keep their teeth for their lifetime.
Saving a tooth and preventing further dental health problems are the primary reasons dentists recommend root canals. Whether you need a root canal or not does not depend on your age; however, older people have had more time for a tooth to decay and for untreated infections to spread, which is why it’s more common among those over 40.
Ideally, you should have a root canal or appropriate alternative treatment as soon as possible. Receiving prompt treatment increases the likelihood we can save your tooth without needing a crown to protect it after the procedure. Prompt treatment also prevents pulpitis from causing a dental abscess or infecting your jawbone.
Dentists use anesthesia to ensure your comfort during dental treatments, including root canals. Anesthesia puts you at ease and prevents you from experiencing pain. After your root canal, your dentist may recommend over-the-counter pain medications or prescribe painkillers to ensure your comfort during your recovery.
Whether you need a cap is determined on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, your dentist may strongly recommend a cap to protect a weakened tooth and prevent further damage.
However, you may not need a cap if you have minimal tooth damage.
Tooth decay weakens your tooth, increasing the risks of chips, cracks, and infections. Placing a crown over your tooth reinforces it, and helps prevent further damage. Although you can opt out of getting a crown after your root canal, it’s crucial you consider your dentist’s advice and the risk of further tooth decay or damage.
Dental Health and Root Canals. (2023).
Reversible and Irreversible Pulpitis: Causes and Treatment. (2023).
Types of Anesthesia. (2024
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