What are Invisalign clear aligners?

Invisalign aligners are transparent thermoplastic aligners that apply pressure on your teeth to move them in the desired direction of optimal alignment. Invisalign clear aligners are used for optimal orthodontic treatment without the social embarrassment caused by metallic braces and brackets. Invisalign aligners gradually shift your teeth in the desired direction, moving them closer towards alignment. Each teeth aligner lasts for approximately two weeks, but the total number of aligners necessary will depend on your specific situation.

Invisalign is the ideal alternative to traditional metallic brackets. In recent years, people have been moving away from metallic brackets because they look ugly, they’re highly visible, cause dietary restrictions, and lead to severe social embarrassment. In fact, metallic braces become a part of the wearer’s identity for several years. Invisalign is completely discreet — it becomes virtually invisible, so you don’t need to worry about self-consciousness.

Furthermore, the entire treatment consists of numerous Invisalign aligners — each aligner is specifically designed to move your teeth a little. Once the first teeth aligner is complete in two weeks, you can proceed to the next aligner. As such, you have to keep changing the aligners every two weeks until you have perfectly straight and aligned teeth. You can see a prediction of the treatment plan before the process even starts using the software.

Invisalign clear aligners start producing results in just a few weeks, but the entire treatment lasts for 6 months to 18 months, depending on the level of misalignment.

How effective is Invisalign? Does Invisalign work?

People often assume that Invisalign is a cosmetic treatment for minor misalignment problems. While that may have been true initially, Invisalign is now considered just as effective as metallic brackets. Invisalign can treat all major orthodontic problems, including crooked teeth, gaps between the teeth, overbite, underbite, and other misalignment concerns.

In some cases, if the Invisalign isn’t enough for your specific problem, the dentist might combine it with Invisalign attachments that add greater pressure. Invisalign attachments are meant for patients with severe orthodontic problems. Invisalign attachments are usually tooth-colored, so they remain just as invisible as the Invisalign blending with your teeth.

What are the benefits of invisible aligners?

  • Invisible: Invisalign aligners are completely clear and transparent, so they’re not visible to casual observers. This makes Invisalign suitable for adults who don’t want the treatment to interfere with their work. And it’s also suitable for teenagers and children who might experience brutal bullying and self-consciousness because of braces.
  • Comfort: Invisalign is made of a smooth plastic material with no wires and metallic components. As such, there’s no risk of sharp edges and pieces affecting your gums or causing irritation. After the initial adjustment period, most people don’t even feel Invisalign aligners.
  • Oral Health: Invisalign is completely removable as long as you wear it for at least 22 hours per day. As such, you can remove the Invisalign aligners when you need to brush and floss your teeth. Once you’re done, you can also clean the Invisalign itself. This allows you to maintain perfect oral health without food particles stuck around the braces.
  • Efficient: Invisalign treatment usually takes 6 to 18 months, depending on the level of misalignment. Comparatively, traditional braces last for 2 to 4 years, and the entire process includes multiple dental visits. With Invisalign, you can change the aligners yourself, so there’s no need for constant dentist visits.
  • No Dietary Restrictions: With traditional braces, patients are generally wary of eating things that would stain the braces. However, Invisalign aligners can be taken off before meals, so you can eat whatever you want without worries.
  • Alignment: The most important benefit of Invisalign aligners is that you get completely straight teeth. As such, you can be proud of your teeth, laugh without a care in the world, and ensure optimal oral health.

How do Invisalign teeth aligners work?

  1. Assessment: The first step in your Invisalign treatment is a smile assessment. Your dentist will examine your teeth to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for Invisalign. They’ll take digital x-rays and images of your teeth and use special software to produce a step-by-step overview of Invisalign’s impact on your teeth. This allows the dentist to curate the ideal Invisalign treatment for you. They’ll also take impressions of your teeth to be sent to the laboratory.
  2. Treatment: Once the Invisalign teeth aligners are prepared, the dentist will show you how to wear Invisalign properly. You’ll have to wear the Invisalign aligners for at least 22 hours a day to ensure optimal efficiency. Each aligner will shift your teeth closer towards the optimal position. You have to change the aligners every 2 weeks until you reach the final aligner, i.e., the position of complete alignment.
  3. Retainers: Once your teeth have reached alignment, you have to wear retainers for about 6 months. This is done to hold your teeth in the ideal position while your jaw adjusts to the new position. Without the retainer, your teeth might shift back again, undoing the results of the Invisalign treatment. After the retainers, you’re done — you have straight teeth for life! The entire Invisalign treatment takes approximately 1 to 2 years.

Who is the right Invisalign dentist for me?

Dr. Benjamin Golik is one of the most reputable and reliable Invisalign-certified cosmetic dentists in Houston. He sees patients at URBN Dental’s Midtown office at 3510 Main St Ste E, Houston, highly accessible to patients in and around Downtown Houston. Dr. Golik is an incredibly compassionate and talented Invisalign dentist — he curates each treatment according to your specific goals and concerns to ensure optimal results. For more information, please schedule an appointment with our Invisalign dentist.

Invisalign Clear Aligners | Dental Clinic on Mid Ln ultima modifica: 2021-03-08T06:32:33-06:00 da sureshk