Common Reasons You Could Have Tooth Pain After Dental Work

Reasons for Tooth Pain Causes After Dental Work

Dental tooth pain or toothache occurs when the pulp or nerve in the tooth or tooth root is irritated. Tooth injury, tooth decay, tooth infection, or tooth loss are the most common causes of tooth pain after dental work. Tooth pain may also occur after a tooth extraction i.e. the pain from the extraction area radiates to the jaw causing tooth pain.

Houston TX Tooth Pain After Dental Work

Patients with tooth pain may experience severe pain to pressure, cold or hot stimuli, which may persist for more than 20 seconds after removing the stimulus. As the Houston TX Tooth Pain becomes more severe, it may spread to the jaw, cheek, or ear. Other signs and symptoms of Houston TX Tooth Pain include the following:

  • Feeling pain when chewing or biting
  • Feeling unnecessary hot or cold sensitivity
  • Discharge or bleeding from around a tooth or gums
  • Swelling of the jaw or around a tooth

These signs and symptoms may sometimes be associated with dental decay, tooth fracture, or gum disease (periodontal disease). Dental decay or an area of redness around the tooth’s gum line may point to the source of pain. If you tap an infected tooth, it may make the pain more intense. This sign may point to the problem tooth even if the tooth appears normal.



Sometimes, tooth pain may be mistaken for pain from other sources in the face, such as an injury to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), ear or throat pain, sinusitis. In that case, it is important to differentiate between tooth pain and pain from other sources so as to administer the right treatment. To differentiate the causes of the dental pains and get relief, consult your dentist near me.

Causes of Dental Pain

Houston TX tooth pain occurs due to the inflammation of the central portion of the tooth known as the pulp or pulpitis. The nerve endings present in the dental pulp are very sensitive to pain. Dental infections, trauma, and dental cavities may cause inflammation of the pulp. Generally, tooth pain causes include gum infection, teeth grinding (Bruxism) or other repetitive mouth motions, TMJ, dental cavities, damaged dental fillings, tooth fracture, abscessed tooth, dental decay, etc. So, if you are wondering why you have tooth pain, check out the following tooth pain causes:

Effect of Some Dental Care Products: You may experience some types of dental tooth pain if you use certain dental care products, such as peroxide-based whitening agents. These whitening agents penetrate your teeth and cause tooth sensitivity, which gives pain when biting or chewing on food.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): If you feel tooth pain after dental work, you may be suffering from bruxism. Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. It is one of the common causes of dental tooth pain that affects lots of people of all ages in the U.S. If you feel pain in your tooth without any sign of dental decay or periodontal disease and other symptoms of bruxism, visit your dentist as soon as possible. If bruxism is left untreated, it can damage your crowns and dental fillings, increase your risk for dental infection or tooth decay, and wear away your tooth enamel.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome: this is usually caused by a faulty dental bite or misaligned teeth. It causes Houston TX tooth pain that can radiate to other parts of the mouth. Straightening your bite or jaw would help solve Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome. Your TMJ Dentist Near Me may recommend a Temporomandibular Joint dental splint to reposition your lower jaw. However, in a less serious case, reducing stress on your teeth, eating soft foods, and applying warm compresses to the jaw can help. A top-rated TMJ dentist near me can provide you with the necessary guidance and treatment to overcome your TMJ disorder, which will make it easier to eat, speak, and live your life more comfortably. Make an appointment with our local TMJ dentist near me.

Damaged Teeth: sometimes, dental tooth pain may be caused by a broken or cracked tooth. If your tooth pain is as a result of damaged teeth, see your dentist immediately. A damaged tooth can contribute to dental decay.

Dental decay: Dental decay is one of the most common causes of dental tooth pain. It occurs when food chunks and plaques in the teeth attract bacteria and acids from the bacteria penetrate the tooth enamel. This causes a loss of tooth mineral and if it persists, it can eventually cause pain in the pulp and inner layer of the tooth.

Home Remedies for Houston TX Tooth Pain:

Maintain a good oral care routine with home remedies:

Rather than abandon your oral care routine due to tooth pain, maintain the practice (brush and floss at least twice daily) and use oral care products designated for sensitive teeth and gums.

Use Extra Soft Toothbrush: A toothbrush with hard bristles will cause more pain but a toothbrush with extra-soft bristles will remove plaque and food chunks while protecting your teeth and gums from irritation.

Use Warm Salty Water: depending on the cause of the tooth pain, rinsing your mouth with warm water can help reduce the pain.

Medical Remedies for Houston TX Tooth Pain:

Taking or applying an over-the-counter painkiller, such as Tylenol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), opioid, to the affected spot can help to reduce the pain. However, a dental visit is recommended because only a dentist would diagnose the actual cause of your dental tooth pain and determines the appropriate medication and treatment based on your underlying diagnosis.

In the case of severe pain, your emergency dentist may prescribe local nerve block injections. Antibiotics like amoxicillin may also be prescribed in the case of an abscess, pulpitis, gingivitis, or periodontitis, or bacterial sinusitis.

A mouthguard may be recommended for sleep bruxism, restorative therapy for tooth decay and cavity formation, root canal for irreversible pulpitis, and dental filling or dental crown for a cracked or broken tooth.

Most causes of dental tooth pain require the expert services of a dentist. It is therefore important that you contact your dentist office near me once you notice any new tooth pain – either mild or intermittent. If you leave any tooth pain untreated, it may develop into a serious dental complication, which may subsequently require a more invasive dental procedure.

For more information on causes and treatment for dental tooth pain, consult any of our professional dental practitioners.

Common Reasons You Could Have Tooth Pain After Dental Work ultima modifica: 2021-05-23T12:09:32-06:00 da Houston Dentist
Categories: Dental Services
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