Your dentist may prescribe a dental crown, dental filling, or any other dental treatment to you if you have a decayed, damaged, or broken tooth. However, if your dentist near me noticed that the tooth to be repaired has been severely damaged, you may need to undergo a dental extraction to remove the affected tooth from its socket in your jawbone.

Dental extraction treatment is usually the last option to be considered in dental treatment solutions. Basically, there are two types of tooth extraction treatments. These are:

A simple tooth extraction: this type of tooth extraction treatment is carried out on a full-grown tooth or tooth that has emerged fully above the gum line. During this treatment, your emergency dentist only needs to loosen the affected tooth with a dental tool known as an elevator. After which your dentist would use forceps to easily extract the tooth. Simple tooth extraction is usually done under local anesthesia.

A surgical tooth extraction: just like its name, surgical tooth extraction treatment involves a more complex treatment procedure. This type of extraction is used for a tooth that has either broken off the gum line or that has not erupted above the gum i.e. tooth within the gum. An oral surgeon is required to undertake this treatment. The oral surgeon makes a small incision into your gingiva to surgically extract the broken or impacted tooth. The surgical tooth extraction is usually done under general anesthesia.

However, there are times when a simple tooth extraction may worsen into a surgical tooth extraction. For instance, if the affected tooth breaks off during the extraction process, a surgical extraction may be resulted to take out the tooth piece. More so, your dentist would have to take an x-ray photograph of your mouth to determine whether or not your tooth extraction will be a simple or surgical one.

Why Can’t Your Tooth Be Saved?

Everyone wants to keep his or her teeth for a lifetime. However, some circumstances may crop up that necessitate your dentist to conduct a tooth extraction treatment on you for the good and benefits of your oral health.

The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests that necessary dental treatment should be done due to correct overcrowding, tooth disease, or trauma to make oral health a priority. In case your tooth cannot be restored with a dental crown or dental filling due to extensive decay or a severe accident, tooth extraction may be your best next option.

Reasons Why You Need Tooth Extraction Treatment

Tooth extraction treatment may be needed for any of the following instances:

  • For Irreparable Dental Damage Caused by Severe Tooth Decay: Once dental decay has gotten to the center of your tooth – your tooth pulp, the decay may cause a bacterial infection, which will invade your pulp. In such a case, a root canal treatment may be recommended and if the bacterial infection is so severe, the extraction of the affected tooth may be done in order to prevent the infection from spreading.
  • To Treat Periodontal Disease: Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the gingival tissue, alveolar bone, periodontal ligaments, and other teeth structures. Mild periodontal disease is gingivitis, which is a bacterial infection of the gum tissues. A more severe periodontal disease infects the periodontal ligaments and the alveolar bone. Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria build-up as a result of food chunks and debris, and dental plaque formed on your teeth as a result of poor oral practices. Observing proper and regular oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing at least thrice daily and making frequent visits to your dentist, can help in preventing periodontal disease. In some cases, periodontal disease may cause the loosening of a tooth or cause more dental damage. When this happens, your dentist may suggest dental extraction treatment.
  • Tooth Extraction May Help An Impacted Tooth: Your tooth, especially the wisdom tooth, is impacted when it is blocked from emerging, or when your gum tissue did not erupt fully to allow the tooth to come out. In this case, your dentist may recommend tooth extraction treatment to extract the impacted tooth so as to prevent it from causing damage to neighboring teeth. Extracting an impacted tooth may also help in lowering the risk of overcrowding and bacterial infection. The wisdom tooth is often extracted because of the awkward position in which it grows behind your molars.
  • To Eliminate Teeth Overcrowding: Your dentist may extract one or more of your teeth in order to reduce overcrowding in your mouth. Tooth extraction treatment can also be administered to patients undergoing orthodontic treatment and there is not enough room for their teeth to move, straighten, and realign. Keep in mind that it is not unusual for a dentist or an orthodontist to recommend a tooth extraction before commencing orthodontic treatment.
  • To Remove Broken Teeth after An Accident: Should in case of an accident where the patient’s teeth are affected or broken. A dental filling, dental crowns, bonding, veneers, or bridges may be recommended. However, in severe cases, a dental extraction may be required.

These are the main reasons why your dentist’s office may recommend a dental extraction treatment near me. At URBN Dental, our professional dentists and orthodontists will examine your affected tooth and recommend highly recommended dental treatment options. We use more advanced dental technology that gives more comfort during the extraction procedure. More so, we are committed to excellence and providing exceptional tooth extraction treatment for decayed, broken, or impacted teeth.

Your dentist should carry out a thorough examination of the affected tooth/teeth before recommending a dental extraction treatment.
Post-Dental Extraction Instructions

Based on the type of tooth extraction procedure you underwent, you are most likely to receive one or more stitches at the affected area. However, irrespective of whether you have undergone a simple extraction or a surgical extraction, it is always a good practice to closely follow all of your dentist’s post-dental extraction instructions. This is important to speed up your recovery period and avoid any likely complications. The following are the recommended after-care instructions after an extraction procedure:

  • Slightly bite down on a gauze pad for about 25-30 minutes after the tooth extraction procedure. This will help to stop bleeding in the surgical area.
  • As much as possible, avoid unnecessary eating, drinking, and talking for the first 2 hrs after the extraction.
  • Consume plenty of warm or cold liquids after the bleeding has stopped.
  • For the first day after the procedure, start your diet with soft foods and clear liquids. After that, you can maintain your normal diet.
  • For the first 12 hrs after the extraction, do not brush, floss, or rinse your teeth.
  • While brushing afterward, try as much as possible to avoid the surgical area. However, you can gently rinse your mouth with a diluted mouthwash or a glassful of warm water containing 1/4 teaspoonful of table salt.
  • As long as there is bleeding, don’t smoke, don’t use straws, and don’t spit forcefully.
  • Carefully follow the prescribed pain medications.
  • In case your bleeding or pain persists, consult your dentist near me immediately.

At URBN Dental, the comfort of our patients is our first concern. We ensure that the affected area is completely numb before we commence the tooth extraction procedure For a safe, painless, and comfortable tooth extraction treatment, kindly contact us today. Also, schedule an appointment with our professional dentists if you have inquiries about tooth extractions or other dental services.

When Do I Need A Tooth Extraction ultima modifica: 2019-12-29T06:26:40-06:00 da Houston Dentist