Lab Fabricated Post and Core Crown For Teeth Restoration

When teeth need to be restored, it will often be a post and core crown that is used. The reason for this method tends to be the lack of usable teeth that are still viable.

Post and Core Dental Crown For Teeth Restoration

Not all the work that is carried out in your mouth comes from work completed directly by your dentist. There are times when they have to try methods that may not be possible to construct with the equipment they own, and when this is the case they have to involve the help of the lab to use their expertise and methods. This is what is going to happen when a post and core is required.

Table of Contents

What are post and cores?

When teeth need to be restored after it saved with a root canal, it will often be a post and core crown that is used. The reason for this method tends to be the lack of usable teeth that are still viable. If the tooth cannot bear the weight of a normal crown, then away has to be found to allow one to be put in place. The root canal will receive a post and it is onto this post that the crown will be fitted. It may not be the quickest way – there is a system that allows the piece to be fitted the same day that the decision is made – but this is not going to be suitable for all people, or to deal with all problems. Here, however, there needs to be the involvement of lab technicians and they will ensure that the crowns are properly connected and just right to fit in the space that has been provided for them.

Why does a tooth need a post and core inside of it?

This process has to be followed when there is a large gap in the mouth and there is a reason why you do not want to wear dentures that will be fixed via an adhesive each day. It is considered a better option to have teeth covered rather than removed and replaced.  The post needs to be in place so that the crown can be placed on it. It will also fulfill the role of distribution. When food is eaten, pressure is put on a tooth in an attempt to break it down. Too much pressure can lead to damage, and when this happens there can be an expensive dental bill on the horizon – to say nothing of the pain and discomfort that will be felt.

Most of us will want the most convenient, quick and pain-free solution to the issue of tooth loss and utilizing the help of lab staff to provide the post and core is highly recommended way to achieve that.

What are the symptoms that lead to requiring a post and core?

Mainly the symptom will be tooth loss or, if the tooth has not actually been lost, a considerable amount of decay spread over a few teeth. This can happen for several reasons and there are not always ways to stop it. Oral hygiene can go a long way to helping you keep your teeth, but with age, they will start to come out. An accident can happen at any age, and suddenly you will find you have a gap in your teeth and want to fill it. It will usually be in an area where there has been the loss of a few teeth and the surrounding ones are not going to be able to hold the normal form of support. The last thing that you or your dentist wants is to cause damage to other teeth. When this happens, support needs to be set in the gums and posts added. It is these posts that will hold the newly constructed teeth and stop them from putting additional pressure on other teeth. It will be the process that improves the look and capability of the teeth.

How is a post and core placed in a tooth?

Once it has been established that the use of a prefabricated post is not possible, then it is a cast post and core that will be made to fit the tooth. The tooth will often need to be reinforced and this is done by using a resin that will make the tooth the correct size. Damaged teeth can often have pieces breaking off them, and if there is too small a stump left in the mouth, then a crown will not fit properly, or have the support it requires. The resin is then removed, and the size used as a template to allow the lab technician to make the post and core that will be used permanently. The metals that can be used include titanium or gold. If it appears that the metal post is going to be too intrusive, then zirconia oxide can be used instead. A further option for staff in the lab will be to use a plastic post along with polyvinyl siloxane impression material. Before the decisions are made, you will be involved and will be told the pros and cons of each option. Unless there is a clear medical reason why the dentist wants to use a specific method, then it will be your opinion that is considered and you who makes the choices.

What is the end goal of placing a post and core cost in a tooth?

The final results will be crowns that are secure and not going to cause any damage to the teeth that they are covering or being helped with the support they are giving to other teeth. As the crown is not directly sitting on a broken or decayed tooth, it will stay in place and be fit for purpose. Not only could a heavy crown cause further damage to a weak tooth, but it would prevent the crown from fulfilling its role.

It would be difficult to chew or bite, and without the proper support of a tooth, the crown is likely to fall out and expose the damaged tooth. As this tooth cannot be left exposed, there will need to be additional work carried out and this time it will be a post and core that is used. The overall result is a smile that you can be proud of, and teeth that will not break or hurt whenever you try to eat something that requires biting and chewing.


Visit us today at URBN Dental as a walk in patient or call us at 832-743-2989 for an appointment at a time of your choosing! Here is to permanent smiles and stronger teeth for all!

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