Did you bite hard on an object or food and you noticed that you have gotten a broken tooth. You don’t have to panic, you can easily fix broken tooth with dental crowns.
Your tooth crown is supposed to be the hardest tissue in the body. Notwithstanding, you can have a broken tooth crown when you suddenly bite down on hard object or food, when you receive a hard blow on the face, or when you fall, especially if you have dental caries in some teeth.
If you have a fractured, chipped, or a broken tooth crown, consult your emergency dentist immediately. Otherwise, you stand the chance of damaging your tooth further. The broken tooth may become infected and you may eventually lose the tooth.

How to Fix a Broken Tooth At Home

Once you notice a broken tooth, you should take the following self-care measures before you get to your dentist:

  • Quickly rinse your mouth with salty water and take OTC pain reliever like acetaminophen to ease any pain.
  • If the broken tooth leaves any sharp on the remaining tooth, cover the sharp edge with either a sugarless chewing gum or paraffin wax or. This will prevent the sharp edge from harming your mouth.
  • Ensure that you take only soft diets after the incidence and try as much as possible not to chew or bite down with the broken tooth.

There are several dental treatments to fix broken tooth. The appropriate dental treatment for you will depend largely on how severe the tooth damage is. So, you would need to consult your dentist near me who will determine highly recommended dental treatment for your case.
However, one of the most effective dental treatment options for broken tooth crown is dental crown. 

Dental Crown

A dental crown is the most efficient and expensive dental treatment for a broken tooth crown. It also requires more time for the treatment procedure to be completed. Irrespective of the severity of the damage to the tooth, a dental crown will fix it; it is usually required for major dental damages.
For instance, if a large part of your tooth crown is broken, your dentist would only remove part of the affected tooth and fit a dental crown on it.
A dental crown is more like a tooth-shaped cap that perfectly fits above the broken tooth crown to improve its appearance.
Basically, your dentist may recommend a dental crown if you:

  • Need to cover up your discolored, stained or badly shaped tooth.
  • Need to cover up your dental implant
  • Had undergone any root canal treatment in the past. The dental crown will help you to protect the restored tooth.
  • Have a crooked, cracked, weakened, or worn down tooth.
  • Have a missing tooth/teeth and require a dental bridge
  • Have a cavity in your teeth that are too large for a dental filling
  • Need a replace your dental filling with a better dental option.


Dental Crown Procedure

A dental crown procedure normally involves two visits to the dental office. During the first visit, an impression of the affected tooth is taken to ascertain that the tooth root and jawbone are not affected, to see if there is any further dental problem, and to process the dental crown. If there is no further dental problem, your dentist will commence the dental crown procedure by administering local anesthesia to lessen the discomfort associated with the procedure. After that, the dentist would remove any sharp or jaggy part of the remaining tooth to give enough room for the dental crown.
However, if a large part of the tooth is broken off, the dentist may have to add a dental filling to rebuild the tooth to better support the crown. The impression taken during the first visit would be taken to the dental lab to make the dental crown. But before the permanent dental crown is made, a temporary dental crown may be attached to compensate for the missing space. Temporary dental crowns are usually made of acrylic or thin metal.
During the second visit, which is usually about two or three weeks later, the temporary tooth crown would be removed and the permanent crown would be fitted and cemented. Some dentists can use advanced dental technology to make a dental crown during the first visit without taking any impression.
If your entire tooth crown breaks off, it is still possible to fix the broken tooth as long as the gingival tissue and jawbone are intact. You only need a dental implant to support the prosthetic dental crown. Dental implant procedure is a surgical procedure in which a dental post is inserted into your jawbone to mimic the tooth root and provide solid structural support for the prosthetic dental crow

Caring For Your Dental Crowns

Dental crowns do not require any special treatment and care. You can easily maintain them as you would your natural teeth by brushing and flossing the area of the dental crown daily to prevent trapping of food chunks, debris or plaque. If you follow good and proper oral hygiene practices, your tooth crown should last for more than eight years.
More so, some certain unhealthy dental behaviors like clenching of the jaw and grinding of the teeth can significantly shorten the lifespan of a dental crown. Also, avoid hard or gummy foods like nuts, ice, or hard candy. These foods can either damage the tooth crown or cause it to fail. 


 Here are some few things can do to prevent broken tooth crown, these are:

  • Avoid teeth grinding and clenching your teeth.
  • Do not use your teeth on hard objects and foods.
  • Brush and floss your mouth at least twice daily. This will help you to eliminate any food chunk, sticky film or plaque that may cause bacterial infection in your mouth.
  • Before using any dental care product, check if it bears the Seal of Acceptance of any recognized dental body. This ensures that the product meets certain safety standards.
  • Visit your dentist bi-annually for professional dental examination and cleaning.

Do you have a broken tooth in Houston, TX? You need to visit a professional Walk In Dentist who will determine the appropriate dental treatment for your case. Kindly schedule an appointment with any of our professional dentists near me in Houston, TX today.

Fix a Broken Tooth with Dental Crowns ultima modifica: 2020-09-06T12:12:59-06:00 da Houston Dentist