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Which is the best emergency dental clinic near me?
When dealing with dental problems, especially emergency dental problems, your first call should be to an emergency walk-in dental clinic. But what if you have a dental problem or dental emergency on weekends or nights? Aren’t most dental clinics closed at specific hours? That’s true, most dental clinics have limited open hours. That’s why you must find a Saturday dentist that gives you an emergency dentistry number you can contact during dental emergencies. However, it’s important to understand what constitutes a dental emergency before you contact the emergency dentist. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), 54.8% of all dental emergencies are semi-emergencies, and 23.9% are non-urgent dental problems. The issue is that most people don’t know what is or isn’t a dental emergency. This article describes situations requiring emergency dental care from an emergency clinic near me.
When should I contact an emergency dental clinic near me?
Almost 25% of all people have experienced dental pains and toothaches in the last six months — an indication that dental problems and dental emergencies are pretty common. However, every single dental problem shouldn’t necessitate an emergency dentist. Some problems can wait for several days or even weeks, so you can contact the dentist whenever the clinic opens up. Generally speaking, dental emergencies are situations in which you have excruciating pain, cracked or knocked-out teeth, or bleeding. You should ask yourself the following questions to determine if you really need to contact an emergency dentist:
- Am I in excruciating dental pain?
- Do I have severe and persistent toothaches?
- Are my gums or mouth cavities bleeding?
- Have I lost a tooth? Or has my tooth been knocked out? If so, you should contact an emergency dentist immediately because the chances of reattaching the tooth decrease significantly after an hour.
- Do I have gum disease, infection, or dental abscess? If you notice pus or a cyst in your mouth, you must contact an emergency dentist immediately because dental abscesses are potentially life-threatening.
- Do I have inflamed gums that bleed while brushing?
- Do you have a dental problem accompanied by a fever?
- Do you have swollen cheeks because of a dental problem?
When should I NOT contact an emergency dentist?
You should NOT contact an emergency dentist if the dental problem can wait for a few days for treatment. Sometimes, dental emergencies can also wait for several days or weeks — these aren’t actual dental emergencies. For example, people often think all kinds of dental fractures are signs of a dental emergency, but that’s not true. A fractured tooth is a dental emergency if the fracture is severe, extends below the gumline, or if it has left fragments in your mouth. However, a tiny hairline crack in your tooth doesn’t constitute a dental emergency. If your tooth is chipped but doesn’t actively hurt, you can probably wait until the dental clinic’s regular dental hours. You should also wait for treatment if your dental pains aren’t severe, or if there’s no abscess or swelling on your face. You can also wait for a few days if you’ve lost your dental crown or filling, sticking a piece of sugar-free gum into the cavity in the meantime. You can also try putting the crown back in its place with an over-the-counter dental cement, though you shouldn’t push it harder than possible.
How to treat toothache?
You should contact an emergency dentist for treatment if you have a severe or persistent toothache. Severe toothaches can be signs of bacterial decay, dental abscesses, and several other dental problems. However, if you don’t have a severe toothache, you can also try controlling it at home using the following methods:
- Apply a cold compress to your face, using an ice pack or frozen vegetables, for about 20 minutes. This will minimize the pain and inflammation.
- Take an anti-inflammation medicine, like ibuprofen, to minimize the pain signals.
- Rinse your mouth with salt water to treat the temporary pain and clean infections.
- Hot packs can also minimize pain signals and help with toothaches.
- Bite down on a peppermint tea bag because it has numbing properties that make you feel better.
- Floss between your teeth to remove any objects or food that may be stuck.
What are the symptoms of tooth sensitivity?
If you have sensitive teeth, you’ll feel pain and discomfort extending to the roots of the tooth. The toothache may come and go, depending on its severity. The following are some of the most common triggers for tooth sensitivity:
- Hot items
- Cold items
- Alcohol-based items
- Brushing and flossing
- Sweet foods
- Acidic foods
Why is dental hygiene so important to overall health?
Good oral and dental hygiene doesn’t just protect your teeth but also your overall health. If you don’t maintain good oral hygiene, you may suffer from bacterial decay and dental abscesses. Once the infection from these problems spreads into your bloodstream, you may suffer from overall health problems, including cancer, diabetes, heart attack, preterm labor, stroke, etc. As such, maintaining oral health is crucial for your overall health.
How is dental plaque detected?
Dentists usually detect dental plaque during regular teeth cleaning appointments using special dental tools, including a scalar. Dental plaque is a white and sticky substance that most dentists can also detect using a disclosing gel.
Schedule an appointment with an emergency dental clinic near me
Are you trying to find an emergency dentist near me? URBN Dental is one of the best dental clinics with exceptional emergency dentists who accept last-minute dental appointments. For more information, please schedule an appointment for emergency dental care today.
When dealing with dental problems, especially emergency dental problems, your first call should be to an emergency dental clinic near me. But what if you have a dental problem or dental emergency on a weekend or night time? Aren’t most dental clinics closed at specific hours? That’s true, most dental clinics have limited open hours. That’s why you must find a Saturday dentist that gives you an emergency dentistry number you can contact during dental emergencies. Generally speaking, dental emergencies are situations in which you have excruciating pain, cracked or knocked-out teeth, or bleeding. You should NOT contact an emergency dentist if the dental problem can wait for a few days for treatment. Sometimes, dental emergencies can also wait for several days or weeks — these aren’t actual dental emergencies.