What to Know About Dental Polishing Care

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What are the Benefits of Polished Dental Care

Polished dental care and the scaling procedure are usually carried out by dentists or dental hygienists to make your teeth shine better. It involves the cleaning of your gum line so that tartar and plaque are eliminated. It is a dental procedure that is very necessary especially during your normal dental checkups.

Why Dental Polishing and Scaling?

It is very important to note that your teeth are constantly immersed in saliva. The saliva is composed of calcium as well as other elements that assist in strengthening and protecting your teeth. The other side of it is that the calcium builds up and becomes deposit on your teeth. With time, tartar will build up which does not mean well for your teeth. At times, the tartar may take the color of your teeth and in some other cases, it will have a black or brown color. If the accumulation of tartar on your teeth is allowed, it will lead to a situation whereby an ideal condition will be created for bacteria to accumulate close to your gums. Dental polishing and scaling procedures ensure that tooth surface is made clean and smooth in order to prevent bacteria from sticking to your teeth. You will have a smooth, clean feeling of your teeth after the procedure. Furthermore, dental polishing and the scaling procedure is used to get rid of stains from foods and drinks like tea, coffee, and red wine. Stains caused by smoking can also be removed through the procedure. In some cases, it is carried out to enable the screening of some oral diseases or systemic ones that may be manifesting orally.

What To Expect During Scaling

During scaling, your dentist near me will use an ultrasonic device which works on vibration and water use to loosen bigger tartar pieces. The device also sprinkles drizzles of water which washes away the debris and maintains an ideal temperature in the area. The ultrasonic instrument gives off a humming sound that is high pitched. The sound may be amplified in your head and give the impression that is louder than normal, just as if you are using an electric toothbrush. The tips of the device are rounded and curve, and they are put in motion on your teeth while your treatment is going on. The tips are not pointed since their major aim is to get rid of tartar and not to chip your teeth. If your tartar deposits are very large, you may need to spend more time for them to be adequately removed.

What To Expect During Polishing

Dental polishing is generally performed after dental scaling so that stains can further be eliminated and your teeth will be made shiny and smooth. It is usually carried out with the aid of a spinning rubber cup. A special material that resembles toothpaste known as prophylaxis paste will then be put in the cup. The rubber cup then spins the paste all over your teeth. On the other hand, prophyjet polishing can be used for your dental polishing. Prophy-jet polishing makes use of a pressurized spray that contains water and air to get rid of debris, plaque and stains. The spray also contains sodium hydrogen carbonate powder and can be slightly salty in your mouth. It is very effective for stain removal if it is handled by an expert.

Fluoride Application

The final part of the cleaning process is the application of fluoride. The fluoride treatment is typically applied to your tooth’s surface. It is important to note that the ingestion of the compound is not advisable because excessive swallowing can lead to stomach ache. As a result of this, you should avoid swallowing the compound. The fluoride gel or foam will then be applied to your teeth for 30 seconds through small, adjustable foam trays. You will then be asked to spew out as much as you can into a saliva ejector. The function of the fluoride is to assist in strengthening your teeth against acids. Bacteria in your tartar and plaque can produce acids that can weaken the surface of your teeth. A fluoride treatment will go a long way in preventing this. It is very essential for you to note that you should stay away from eating, drinking or rinsing within 30 minutes after your fluoride treatment.

Is It A Painful Procedure?

The cleaning procedure is not painful. You will feel some sensations like tickling vibration, scraping pressure, and a cooling drizzle of water. These sensations will not cause any discomfort whatsoever. However, you may have some feelings of discomfort along the line but this should not last for more than few seconds. If you discover that your feeling of discomfort is getting out of hand, it is very important to inform your dentist or dental hygienist. Various options may be recommended in order to make the process more pleasurable. The painful procedure can be caused by exposed dentine, severe recession, or sore gums.

Regular Dental Visits

Regular dental visits for checkups and cleaning are very vital in averting a lot of dental diseases. Brushing and flossing every day are good. But they are not enough to keep your dental health at its peak. You can also use an antiseptic mouthwash to maintain ideal oral health. But you should not rely absolutely on this. Regular visits to your dentist office near me at least once in six months will go a long way in ensuring that your oral health is properly maintained. It helps to keep your teeth as well as gums healthy. And enable early discovery of common dental problems like cavities, gum disease, cancer and so on. Early detection will ensure proper treatment before they get out of hands.


Dental polishing and scaling procedure are very essential for boosting your dental health. It is the most-excellent insurance that can ensure healthy teeth and an alluring smile. However, in order to get highly recommended results, you should endeavor to make use of a competent dentist. The success of the cleaning procedure is largely dependent on the dexterity of the professional that handles it. Hence, you should do everything possible to get a highly recommended emergency dentist.
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