Frequently Asked Questions for Dentists Near Me in Houston | Emergency Dentist Office Near Me

Are you looking for dentists near me in Houston? Are you looking for emergency dental offices near me? If so, you must look for some of the best board-certified licensed dentists in Houston, Texas, who practice in state-of-the-art dental clinics that use BPA-free dental fillings and products. URBN Dental is one of the most accomplished dental clinics in Houston, Texas, that meets all of those requirements. Our dental clinics are located in some of the most prominent and accessible parts of Houston. In this article, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive.

What can be the reasons for tooth pain?

Toothaches or tooth pain can be miserable and distracting. Furthermore, the potential causes of toothaches and tooth pain are so diverse that you don’t know what you’re suffering from. You may have lost fillings, orthodontic problems, dental decay, or other problems. The following are some of the most prominent reasons for tooth pain:

  • Dental Decay: Bacterial infection or dental decay is the most common reason for tooth pain. When a bacterial infection first sets into your teeth, it starts affecting the outer layers, i.e., the enamel. As such, if you go for regular dental appointments, your dentist may identify cavities and fill them up. However, cavities don’t hurt or lead to any other symptoms. Consequently, people who don’t go for regular dental checkups don’t realize they have cavities, because of which the bacterial infection spreads into the root canal or pulp chamber. When that happens, you suffer immense tooth pain. If the infection reaches the pulp chamber, you may even need a root canal.
  • Dental Abscess: If dental decay continues past the point of the pulp chamber, it will eventually spread to the root under the tooth, infecting the surrounding tissues. As such, you may notice some pus around the base of your tooth, which is one of the clearest signs of a dental abscess. If you have a tooth abscess, you will experience extremely sharp tooth pain, and you need to see a dentist immediately.
  • Gum Disease: Bacterial infection doesn’t just affect the tooth but also the gums. If you don’t go for regular dental appointments, your dentist won’t be able to remove all of the accumulated plaque and tartar, which leads to bacterial decay. Over time, the bacteria will infect your gums and lead to gum recession, which will cause immense tooth pain, inflammation, and possible tooth loss.
  • Dental Fractures: If your tooth is broken or cracked because of injury or impact, you will feel dull tooth pain in the fractured tooth. If the fracture is below the gum line, then you will need emergency dental treatment.
  • Worn Enamel: If your tooth’s enamel wears away, it will reveal the underlying dentin layer. When that happens, your tooth will be extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. As such, if you experience tooth pain when you eat or drink something hot or cold, you may have weak enamel.
  • Other Reasons: Some of the other prominent reasons for tooth pain include lost fillings, damaged fillings, damaged sealants, bruxism, improper flossing, impacted wisdom teeth, or misaligned teeth. 

What causes tooth pain under a crown?

Constant teeth grinding or bruxism, or perhaps dental injuries, can damage your dental crown. When your dental crown is loosened, bacteria can get underneath the loose crown, affecting and infecting the underlying tooth structure and nerves. When that happens, the tooth under the crown will be infected, and you’ll experience tooth pain under the crown.

What happens if you have a loose tooth with braces?

If you have a loose tooth, your orthodontist near me will examine it and determine if they should continue with the orthodontic treatment. If they believe the loose tooth will be a problem, they may advise against the orthodontic treatment, or they may even recommend tooth extraction (if necessary). In some cases, the dentist may ignore the loosened tooth in their orthodontic treatment. However, unless the loosened tooth is severely loose, the orthodontist will continue with the braces to straighten your teeth. Please call your dentist to find out about your options.

What does it mean if the teeth broke by themselves?

Your teeth may suddenly break under the following situations:

  • You may have bitten into something hard like hard candy, ice, or something similarly hard.
  • Your teeth may have sustained damage due to dental injury in an accident, such as sports injury or vehicular accident.
  • You may have had cavities that have now affected the rest of your tooth.
  • You may have had large fillings with little original tooth structure that eventually grows brittle and comes loose.
  • You may have advanced dental decay that you didn’t treat promptly.

What is emergency dental care?

Emergency dental care refers to dental services that aim to provide immediate treatment that can’t wait for normal business hours. You need emergency dental services if your tooth has been knocked out during an accident, bleeding, or having immense tooth pain. In these situations, the dentist will either stop the bleeding, offer painkillers to handle the tooth pain, reattach the broken tooth (if possible), or provide other similar emergency dental services. Most emergency dental services are temporary, and you’ll need to see the dentist treat the root cause soon.

What happens during tooth extraction? Why do I need tooth extractions?

You need tooth extractions if your tooth is severely damaged or if it threatens to cause tooth pain or harm the surrounding teeth and soft tissues. You need emergency tooth extractions in the case of impacted wisdom teeth, advanced periodontal disease, advanced dental decay, and other such situations. During tooth extractions, the dentist uses surgical tools or forceps to remove the affected tooth.

Schedule an Appointment with an Emergency Dentist Today

If you have any other questions, please schedule an appointment with an emergency dentist near me today.


Are you looking for dentists near me in Houston? Are you looking for emergency dental offices near me? If so, you must look for some of the best board-certified licensed dentists in Houston, Texas, who practice in state-of-the-art dental clinics that use BPA-free dental fillings and products. URBN Dental is one of the most accomplished dental clinics in Houston, Texas, that meets all of those requirements.

Our dental clinics are located in some of the most prominent and accessible parts of Houston. Emergency dental care refers to dental services that aim to provide immediate treatment that can’t wait for normal business hours. You need emergency dental services if your tooth has been knocked out during an accident, if you’re bleeding, or if you have immense tooth pain. If you have any other questions, please schedule an appointment with emergency dentists today.

Frequently Asked Questions for Dentists Near Me in Houston | Dental Spa In Montrose ultima modifica: 2020-04-07T05:55:35-06:00 da Houston Dentist