Dental braces are known to improve the physical appearance to a great extent. This is why many consider them a cosmetic item. However, some are wary about putting external objects in their mouths even if they mean to improve their appearance in a longer run. Braces have a handful of advantages and disadvantages as well. Perhaps the biggest pro of getting braces is that they also prevent numerous oral diseases.
When the teeth are crowded in one spot where they are extremely close to one another, this can cause difficulties in keeping them completely clean at times. This can lead to gum and tooth sickness. These diseases can aggravate and grow if they are left untreated. Once they start to grow, they begin to affect other parts of the body and lead to ailments like cardiovascular disease or bacterial pneumonia.
Individuals with misaligned teeth can encounter issues eating and speaking which is another torment in itself. Having braces can help solve these issues easily. However, this does not mean that dental braces do not have a set of their cons as well. If one is not careful and particular about oral cleanliness when having braces on, this can lead to several other diseases that the braces were meant to prevent.
They sometimes bring hindrance in eating and other activities as well, especially when it is extremely easy for food to get stuck in them. Braces are fully capable of causing wounds and abrasions inside the mouth. Sometimes these wounds come from the sharp objects that the dentists have to use to install the braces in the first place. If proper mouth hygiene is not maintained then these minor cuts and abrasions have higher chances of being infected. They may give passage to the harmful bacteria to enter in our bloodstream.